My Book

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Dear Love,

You are incredible, Maggie. You have always told me that you don’t see it
but I will and have told you this plenty of times. Don’t let anyone tell you that
you’re not. You are extremely gorgeous and are what any other girl wants to be
like. I some how get to be the lucky man that gets to be your boyfriend.
It all started out like this… We barely knew each other and I started
hearing that “Maggie Rasmussen thinks your really hot, Tate.” I wondered why
and thought Maggie is a cute girl. I didn’t know your personality at all. I kept
messing with your brothers about it and teased that I was going to text you.
Then one night after a baseball game in Orient, I told him we were all going to
text you and we did. You were nervous and shy to even talk to me.
We slowly started talking from then on. I realized that you were actually a
really special girl. I started to really, really like you. Sophia talked to me a little
after the time we had at the Peppers. (Our first time together.) She told me that
you really liked me and I realized that we could get serious, then, I fell in love.
We talked every day and we finally started seeing each other. I got deeper and
deeper in love with you and now I am so far in that I will never be able to get out,
and I am completely fine with that.  We eventually reached the point to where
we would see each other a lot and you became my girlfriend! (One of my favorite
The battle with your parents is what is stopping us and has been this
whole time. We have made it through so much and still both have ripping love
for each other. We have something not many people find. Our love is so strong
and cannot be broken. This struggle with your parents has tried stopping us
many times. There are times when it has gotten very difficult, but we have
battled through them. We are stronger than anyone thinks. Too many people
doubt, and we can’t let them be the ones who ruin our relationship. They aren’t
the ones who pick what true love is.
We can show them how it can and will be done! This is why I try to make
you happy everyday of my life. You are what I wake up for. I smile every single
time I open your messages. Yes, you get upset at times and we talk it out to
make everything better, but you know what? I have trouble at times too, but I tell
myself that you are the one and I will not let you go. I think of all the things we
can do together and live our lives together. You are exactly what I have dreamed
about. My true love is simply you and I have found it!
I want to be the one that you wake up to every morning. I just get to look
at you every morning just smiling and giving you a kiss. We can love each other
and do anything. We could start a family and raise amazing children. I want you
to be with me until I am old and grey. I want to come home to you and get to eat
and cuddle every night. We have cuddled and every time we have I just am the
happiest man alive.
I have told you time and time again that you are the most perfect
girl. You deny it every time. You need to realize that you’re beautiful for who you
are. You have the smile, the personality, the looks, the brains, you have it all. I
see such a wonderful girl when I look into your eyes. I see no other girl that
would even come close to you on a scale. You are at the peak. You make me
so happy. When I’m with you I just love to hold you and look at you. I love our
little talks, and how you always become quiet from just being so happy that
you’re speechless. I love playing with your pretty blonde hair and holding your
sweet little hands.
You will truly complete my life on the day you say, “I do.” I will officially be
the most proud man in the world. We can look back and laugh at all the people
who doubted us or teased about us. We will have what we have been working
and fighting for this whole time.
You know my love for you is on fire and it will never be put out. The times
you have told me to take my chance and go… I knew you were just hurting too
much from this whole situation, so I said no and kept fighting. I knew that you
really didn’t want me to go. You think just because I am older that I am better.
That is false. Age is just a number and that is all it ever will be. Age is not
important to me. You are mature and know things better than most people my
age. You know what is right from wrong. You found me and I am glad. I don’t
look down on you at all for being a little younger than me. It means absolutely
nothing to me. You love me, I love you, so tell me one good reason why we can’t
be together! There just isn’t a good enough reason.
The way we love each other is unreal. You are just the perfect match for
my taste. Everything you do makes my heart twist and make me aw over you. I
envy your love. I want to have you and not let anyone ever harm you and I want
to take care of you forever. You have an amazing style to where every time I see
you, you fill the room with a sensation that lets me know that you’re there. I can
feel it when you are looking at me. My heart races when we make eye contact.
When we kiss… I will let you guess how that makes me feel.
My love for you is pouring and the cup will never become empty. My love
is until eternity. You are absolutely precious. Your stunning smile, your dashing
eyes, and that cute little nose!  I dream of us, and dream of what we could do
together! My life is filled with greatness when you’re involved. You don’t realize
how grateful I am to have such an outstanding girl like yourself.
Whenever I get down or just plain out miss you, (Which is 24/7) I think of
all the times we spent together. I just think of when you would lay on me and just
look at me. We would kiss for hours. We never wanted to leave. We were
constantly touching. Just seeing you makes me happy. When I am with you, I
don’t know how to explain the feeling I get. I never have gotten that feeling. It is
so comforting to know that a perfect woman like Maggie Rasmussen is my babe.
She loves me and wants to be with me forever! What else could I possibly ask
I just wanted to make this letter to cheer you up and maybe it will help you
realize that I really do think you’re a wonderful girl. You mean the world to me,
doll. We can make it through anything. You just have to fight for what you want.
Never give up on me and I will never give up on you. I love you more than I
could describe how I feel in this letter. I will forever love you. Don’t let anything
change your mind, Magg. Just please always remember my love will never stop.
Constant flow. I love you, muah!
Tate Simpson <3

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