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Prayer Reflection – First Monday (March 14, 2016)

Rest, Reflect, Renew

Advent is upon us - an amazing opportunity to repent, reflect and pray for renewal of Faith.

Rest - "Come to me, all those who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." -Matthew 11:28
As strange as it sounds in a culture that pushes activity, the Lord calls us to rest. After celebrating Jesus'
birth in such glorious (but likely tiring) fashion, what blessing it is to simply sit, take a breath and rest. Rest
in who He is, what He is doing and what He has done for us this year. How? He may call us to rest in Him
in so many ways, by switching off devices, perhaps opening our Bible or journal in the peace of the
morning or just simply sitting in quiet prayer are all great ways to start.

Reflect - "I will meditate on your wonderful works." (Psalms 145:5b) A new year is an opportune time to
reflect on how the Lord has worked in and around us. Take note of what He has done with a sense
of gratitude. Pray with an honest and open heart about any ongoing difficulties, and talk with God as you
remember moments that have changed you or have shown you more of Jesus. And for those who
blessed you this year, take an opportunity to send a thank you card or anote or gift of encouragement to
thank them.

Renew - Isaiah 40:31 says, "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength." The new year is
dawning, and maybe it's time for a new, or renewed, you. As we pray for and seek renewal, we are called
to place our hope in the Lord.Reminding ourselves of where our hope lies, praying without ceasing, fixing
our thoughts on things above and not on earthly troubles - these are among the many ways we can seek
the kind of renewal that only comes from Christ.

Let's trek into 2016 with a fervor and hope for what the new year holds! Let's seek and pray for rest,
reflection and renewal as we - through grace and faith - strive to walk according to His will.

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