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NTS SNGPL Marks Not Updated

1 message

Engr Danish <> Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 1:10 PM


      The Chairman 
      NTS Head Quarters 

With due respect, it is stated that i have appeared for SNGPL, Sales Officer. Firstly, the management was awful in exam
center and one sitting near the corners can easily use mobile phone beneath his desk, secondly some mcqs had spelling
mistakes, and lastly some mcqs were to ambitious to answer, but i utterly remember one mcq of quantitative section of
Sales Officer test that had simple arithmetic calculations , but unfortunately answer to the solution was not there, even not
close to its proximity. I have send multiple emails also called NTS headquarters, call their helpline but couldn't get tangible
response for my query.I also visited the head quarter and submitted my query in written to the front desk officer. 
Im keen to have this MCQ checked because i got 59 marks and I'm  afraid that due to not getting that deserving one marks i
would be unable to get shorlisted for the interview and hence i may lost the chance of competing with other candidates. 
Please help me in this context i would be greatly thankful to you.

Application Filer: Muhammad Danish 

CNIC: 3740638479159
Roll Number: 30160718
NTS Marks: 59
Reporting Time: 13 Jan 19,  11.30 am
Center: SKANS Islamabad 

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