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o Extensively used Prime-NG Library with several other NPM packages and Angular CLI environment.

Used the Extensive Reactive Forms and Validations implemented in Angular 4.

o Developed Custom Components using Angular6. Implemented Routing, imperative Routing and Guards
to checking authentication with the help of Angular6 Router Module.
o Used Angular6 HTTP Module to make Restful API calls and worked with the observables. Implemented
shared models to interact with RESTful API's.
o Designed modular and reusable components Angular v4 for SPA development. Implemented shared
models to interact with RESTful API's.
o Extensively used various ng-prime components like Virstual Scroll, Ng2-file-upload, Dynamic
Component, Drag & Drop Components, Crop Image, Calendar, Panels, Data Tables, File Upload,
Paginator, Tab view, Accordions, Tooltips, Growl Messaging, etc.
o Extensively used SASS / SCSS for reusable the variable, mixing, operations and functions (Syntactically
Awesome Style Sheets) while styling with CSS3.
o Involved designing in web pages using HTML 5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, SASS, LESS,
React.js, Redux , Flex, Mongo DB.
o Used Bootstrap and Media Queries to create Responsive Web Design (RWD) and worked with CSS3 pre-processors such
as SASS.

Implemented various screens for the front end using React.js and used various predefined components
from NPM (Node Package Manager) and redux library.

Worked in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations, and Flux concept.

Implemented stable React components and stand-alone functions to be added to any future pages.
o Used NPM Packages ng2-datatable, moment-time zone for session timeouts and Date Parsing. Used
@Input and @Output for passing data and triggering events across different components.

. Successfully handled JSON data and carried out JSON parsing for form submissions and DOM
manipulation. Maintained Cross Browser compatibility & implement Responsive Design using Twitter
Bootstrap, custom media queries, etc.
. Used JIRA as the bug tracking system to track and maintain the history of bugs/issues on everyday basis
and Bitbucket for code tracking and deployments.
. Involved with bug fixing on functionality, performance and designing
issues with JavaScript and jQuery.
. Used jQuery plugins autocomplete, validation, drag and drop and more
exceptionally. Used jQuery template for markup. Used Ajax, JSON with
jQuery for request data and response processing.
. Used Cloud Foundry CLI to deploy UI Application in various environments
(Dev, UAT, Prod). Used Build Tools Maven and Tomcat server to run micro-
services locally and IBM Server for deployments along with Bamboo
Support. Involved Finding out the bugs, broken links and missing images
etc. and rectifying them.
. Document and validate system and user interface requirements.
. Work closely with business Analysts and subject matter experts to identify and establish requirements for
custom applications.
. Used agile methodology for software development (SCRUM).
. Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component based
architecture provided by Angular 2.0.
. Worked upon Angular2 Service which interacts with RESTful services at backend.
. Involved in developing front-end applications and designed user
interactive web pages in a professional manner by using web
technologies like HTML5, DHTML, XHTML, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap and
Angular JS.
. Created client-side validation using technologies such as Ext JS and
. Worked with routing in Angular JS.
. Used AngularJS as framework to create a Single Page Application (SPA)
which can bind data to specific views and synchronize data with
. Creating POCs for new concepts that we come across in Angular JS and
documenting the same.
. Involved in coming up with strategy documents for using AngularJS
controllers, directives, routers, services etc.
. Making the application responsive using bootstrap media queries.
. Followed Single Page Application (SPA) Pattern and used Angular 2 to
build a cross-browser complaint application.
. Creating custom elements for Polymer and using them for Angular
application which works as DOM elements.
. Created reusable Modules using the built-in features like Factories,
Routes, Dependency Injections and MVC architectures offered in Angular
. Utilized Modernizer extensively to build HTML5/CSS3 based page layouts
that are cross-browser compatible and standards-compliant.
. Developed View using Polymer pre-defined elements.
. Also Involved in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys,
Router, Animations and Flux concept.
. Managed States and Props while utilizing ES6 features using ReactJS.
. Used Node JS proxy to simulate API responses.
. Implemented various Validation Controls for form validation and
implemented custom validation controls using Object Oriented
. Browser testing, cross-platform compatibility testing.
. Build positive relationships with business clients in a multi-
stakeholder global project structure through efficient and effective
. Used Grunt task runner as a build tool for application development.
Environment: Angular JS, RWD, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, XML, AJAX, JSON,
jQuery, Gulp, SASS, Bootstrap, Web storm, SQL Server, Web services,
Jasmine, Unit Test, GIT.
Navayuga Infotech, Hyderabad, India
Mar 2013 - Nov 2015
UI/PHP Developer
. Involved in Agile process, monthly Sprints, and daily Scrums to
discuss the development of the application
. Designed and developed application components and architectural proof
of concepts using Java, jQuery and AJAX.
. Developed front end for the entire website using HTML, CSS and
. Used Tables Design in CSS for positioning the elements.
. Understanding of Java and Spring Framework, Cross-platform solutions
like PhoneGap/Cordova a plus
. Migrating a Struts app to an Ember.Js single-page application
. Analyze and design code for testing user requirements to develop web
based applications and user interfaces using HTML, Handlebars, CSS,
Es6, Ajax, Ember JS, JSON and JQuery
. Display application data on client side by using Ember.js
. Used JQuery High charts for interactive charts on the web application.
. Implemented client side validations in registration forms, login and
logout forms using JavaScript.
. Extensively used JQUERY UI, AJAX and DOM scripting to create
interactive web applications
. Adopted a cross browser and cross platform approach to make the
website more versatile and supportive.
. Used Backbone.js for Fetching Data from the Server by giving URL to
get JSON data for mode land to populate model from the server
. Knowledge on working with Knockout JS for creating user controller
. Wrote cascading style sheets for entire user interface, created
selectors, ids, classes and pseudo-classes in style guides.
. Interacted with User Experience teams to understand customer needs to
design online user Experiences, ensuring ease of navigation and
simplicity of design
. Extensively used PHP scripting for interaction between web pages and
also to Create, Read, Update and Delete data from MySQL database.
. Participated in Enterprise Integration experience web services.
. Developed XML files for mapping requests to controllers.
. Developed stored procedures for MySQL Database
Environment: Java, JavaScript, PHP, HTML, CSS, Dreamweaver, Handlers, XML,
MySQL, CSS, Web services, jQuery, Ajax, Ember JS, JSON, Knockout JS, JQuery

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