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The Rising of The Moon

- Character
1. Sergeant: Irresponsible but brave policeman, easily fooled, and really seeks for
2. The Man: Brave and smart.
3. Policeman B: Obedient man because he obeys whatever the Sergeant says.
4. Policeman X: Obedient and respect.

- Setting
1. The place: Quay in Seaport town.
2. The time: At night.

- Theme
Responsibility should not easily be distracted by feeling.

- The Summary
In England, there was a police murder by a man known as Jimmy. The fugitive
had escaped, so the government sent 3 armies to announce people through spreading
posters by the armies. These armies were looking for the fugitive passed a lake or a dam
because they thought that the fugitive might would have escaped through the sea. Then,
the sergeant gave an order to look for fugitive in separate. Two of them went together
looking for the fugitive meanwhile the sergeant just stayed to wait for the fugitive
passed by. In the dark, the sergeant met a tattered man. That man was suprisingly
Jimmy, the fugitive, and he asked the sergeant for a help to run away. In many
considerations, the sarsen helped Jimmy with feeling regret. Jimmy promised to return
the favor in the rising of the moon.

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