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The Opportunity there is Tim Lloyd, being an 11-year employee of OMEGA and a network

administrator within the company. He can do whatever he wants to the network because
is the one who actually built the network in the omegas health plant. He knew it inside and
out. He was the designer for all the computer programming. He was the overseer of their
network. He maintained that he secured and nurtured it. The company trusted Tim so
much because of his all contribution to the company. The Pressure there is when Tim
Lloyd may lose his job because of his behaviour. He had been disciplined for run-ins with
co-workers shortly before leaving the company. Also, he had elbowed a female co-worker
in the workplace. The Rationalization there is Tim unleashed a hacking "time bomb" within
OMEGA's computer systems, deleting the software that ran all of OMEGA's
manufacturing operations at its factory because he want some revenge. He knew for the
fact that he will get fired because of conflict that broke out between other employees and

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