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More than 1,000,000 of the main NVC book have sold for one simple reason: it works! t | Nonvtolent | COMMUNICATION Conmpasion Wor kbook. | 2nd Edition f LOO ie ~~ —_ ( rN 2 =. A Practical Guide for Individual, Group, or Classroom Study Pf LUCY LEU “The NVC Companion Workbook draws out essential NVC elements ina way that is fun and mi ial much easier.” —JEFF CARL. Tempo restante no eBook: 2h45min 1% Praise for the NVC Companion Workbook: “It amazes me how much we actually covered in class time using the NVC Companion Workbook. We went over real-life situations and followed various exercises that promoted understanding the content more fully. Practicing with this workbook was the key for my success in understanding and using NVC!” —Kirsten Ingram, finance and administration officer, Children’s Com- mission Province of British Columbia, Canada “| was recently contracted by the BC government to facilitate NVC practice sessions for three different groups of government staff. | feel immense gratitude for the NVC Companion Workbook and the sup- port it provided me in sharing the Nonviolent Communication process during the fourteen sessions | offered each group. Clear, concise, fun, and supportive, the workbook exercises and reading reviews provide tremendous tools to integrate NVC into everyday life, at work, at home, and at play.” —Penny Wassman, certified NVC trainer, Victoria, BC, Canada “The NVC Companion Workbook draws out the essential NVC ele- ments in a way that is fun to practice and makes learning the material much easier.” —Jeff Carl, author of Relationship Intelligence: Select and Nurture Tempo restante no eBook: 2h45min 1% Healthy Relationships “The NVC Companion Workbook provides a comprehensive, turnkey program for people of any experience level to lead a group in prac- ticing Nonviolent Communication. As the perfect companion to Non- violent Communication: A Language of Life, the workbook provides universally applicable activities to reinforce your learning.” —Stuart Watson, facilitator and mediator, Portland, OR, USA “| have used this workbook now in two prison facilities. It has been a wondertul tool for men and women who are committed to gaining use- ful life skills in some of the toughest of environments.” —Karen M Campbell, workforce/lifeskills coordinator, Coffee Creek Corrections Facility, Salem, OR, USA “My therapist colleagues and | are very happy how the structure of the Workbook enhances learning in our weekly practice group. More importantly, we’re grateful for the thought-provoking questions that have increased our self-knowledge and enhanced our consciousness of compassion and nonjudgment. | highly recommend it!” —Myra Walden, Lifelink Corp., Bensenville, IL, USA “| have seen this workbook used by people around the country to build community, and practice the NVC process on their own—espe- cially in places where there are no NVC trainers yet. Both new and experienced groups benefit from using this practice guide. | consider Tempo restante no eBook: 2h44min 1%

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