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I'm Jorge and my personality is extroverted because I enjoy being with friends alone
with them. I'm usually serious, with other people I do not know, I can´t stand talking
to someone I do not know, I chose to be like this with my friends, and those that I
do not know in the university, I am very calm in classes I am quiet with the
companions, in recess I am extroverted. my parents are very conservative, educated,
my dad is reserved and my mom is the same, I have no idea why I am very outgoing
I don´t agree to question is what the children first aren´ts the most successful in life
because many time they are the most rebel , I expect to be an example about the
question I discus talking about this topie, I need to read more about this topic. I have
many favorite colors, the dark blue in the cars, in clothes, the white yellow.

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