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Turtles on picnic

One day, three turtles, Joe, Steve and phonco, decided to go on a picnic. Joe
packed the picnic basket with cookies, bootled sodas and sandwiches.

The trouble was, the picnic site was 10 miles away, so the turtles took 10 whole
days to get there. By the time they arrived, they where whipped.

Joe unloaded the basket, one by one, taking out the sodas and said, “All right
Steved, give me the botlle opener, please”.

“I didn’t bring the bottle opener,” steve said. “I thught you packed it,” Joe
panicked and turned to Poncho. “Poncho, do you have the botlle opener?”

Obviously, Poncho didn’t have it, so the turtle were stuck ten miles away from
home without soda.

Joe and steve begged poncho to return home for the botlle opener, but Poncho
flatly refused, knowing that they would eat everything by the time it returned.
Somehow, after about two hours, the turtles managed to convince Poncho to go home,
swearing on their great-grand turtles’ graves that they wouldn’t touch the flood.

So, Poncho set off down the road, slowly and steadily. Twenty days passed, but
no Poncho. Joe and Steve were really hungry and puzzled, but and promise was a
promise. Another day passed, and still no Poncho, but a promise was a promise. Three
more days passed without Poncho in sight, Steves started getting restless. “I need
food!” it said.

“No! Joe retorted, “we had promised.” Five more days passed. Joe realized that
Poncho probably popped into burger king down the road, so the two turtles weakly
lifted the lid, got a sandwich out and ate it.

However, immediately, Phonco popped out from behind a rock and said,”Just
because of that, I’m not going.”

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