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<p align="center"><img src="" align="center" /></p>

## Table of Contents

* [Key Features](#key-features)
* [What's left to finish?](#whats-left)
* [Building](#building)
* [Building on Windows](#building-on-windows)
* [Building on Linux](#building-on-linux)
* [How to setup OpenApoc](#how-to-setup-openapoc)
* [Contact us](#contact-us)

## Key Features

* Unlimited modding capabilities, which was not possible in the original

* Port the game to any platform you like (windows, linux, android etc)
* Support for modern screen resolutions
* Added a full debug system ([hot keys]
(, etc.)
* Added 'more options' menu (which many improvements)
* Added skirmish module (fast fight)
* We can bring, in mods, Julian Gollop cut ideas into the game
* The new engine have ample opportunities for expansion and changes
* High FPS, smooth sound during the game without bugs from original
* No limitations which were in vanilla

## What's left?

* In order to have a playable game, we need:

* Aliens moving from building to building
* Funding for X-Com and orgs
* Agent Training
* Bribes

That will be a game which has all of its main mechanics implemented. We still have
a long way to go, but that's a point at which you can really play Apocalypse in
OpenApoc and do everything you need.

* And then, to reach a mostly complete state, we also require:

* Proper portal location in alien dimension
* Proper portal movement
* Alien Takeover screen
* Score screen and graphs
* Proper collapse algorithm for alien tubes
* Victory & Defeat screens
* UFO growth halting when relevant building is destroyed
* Organisations properly buying their vehicles
* Organisations making treaties, raiding each other and x-com, sending illegal
* Proper Music (not just 3 looped tracks)
* Overspawn
* Then, to be fully vanilla feature complete, we also need:
* Better battle AI (behavior, taking cover, more intelligent attack patterns)
* Better city AI (craft retreat when damaged, other stuff)
* Proper ground vehicles (occupying lanes, blocking, overtaking etc.)
* Proper location screen (assigning agents to vehicles)
* Some fixes to Ufopaedia display
* Proper transferring agents
* UI Tooltips
* Controls for editing text (naming soldiers and other property)
* Agent medals and statistics
* Agent name generator (more than 10 names and surnames)
* Colored text support
* And then, to be a full 1.0 OpenApoc release, we also need:
* Different file format than xml for storing save files (at least), so that
save/loading takes reasonable amount of time
* Different handling of game data (separation of "rules" and "gamestate", so that
for example you can modify a research project in a mod, add that mod to your
playthrough midgame, and not have to lose all progress made on that project, or
later remove the project mod, and have the changes reversed but research state
* Close all issues
* Maybe something else that didn't come up to mind immediately

## Building

OpenApocalypse is built leveraging a number of libraries - to provide needed

functionality (and save us the time of implementing it ourselves badly)

* [SDL2](
* [Boost]( - specifially the 'locale' library, used for
localisation, 'program-options' for settings management, and 'filesystem'.
* [Libunwind]( - debug backtracing on
linux - not needed on windows.

The following libraries are also used, but are shipped as submodules in the
repository and directly included in the build, so you don't need to install these
dependencies to build or use openapoc.
* [GLM]( - Math library.
* [libsmacker]( - Decoder for .smk
video files.
* [lodepng]( - Reading/writing PNG image files.
* [Lua]( - Scripting language.
* [miniz]( - Zlib-comptible compression
* [physfs]( - Library for reading data from .iso files
or directory trees (Note: We use a patched version, available on [GitHub]
( - required to read the
.iso files we use).
* [pugixml]( - XML library used for reading/writing the game
data files.
* [tinyformat]( - A c++ typesafe string
formatting library.

### Building on Windows

* Checkout OpenApoc from GitHub.

* If you are using the GitHub client for Windows, the submodules should already be
setup at first checkout. If not using the github client, or if the submodules have
been updated, run the following commands in the 'git shell' from the root of the
OpenApoc repository. This should reset the submodule checkouts to the latest
versions (NOTE: This will overwrite any changes to code in the dependencies/

git submodule update --init --recursive

* All the other dependencies (Boost, SDL2) need to be supplied separately. Install
[Vcpkg]( and run the following command:

vcpkg install sdl2 boost-locale boost-program-options boost-uuid boost-crc

* Copy the original XCom:Apocalypse .iso file into the "data/" directory. This
could also be a directory containing all the extracted files from the CD, and it
should be named the same (IE the directory should be data/cd.iso/). This is used
during the build to extract some data tables.
* Open the Git directory in Visual Studio (if you don't have an Open Folder option,
generate a project from CMake).
* Visual Studio should automatically detect and configure CMake appropriately. To
add your Vcpkg dependencies, edit your CMake Settings file and add:

"variables": [
"value": "<path to vcpkg>\\scripts\\buildsystems\\vcpkg.cmake"

* If you get errors, clear your cache from the CMake menu and generate again.
* Build (Release/Debug x86/x64 should all work). Release is recommended as Debug is
very slow.
* When running from the Visual Studio UI, the working directory is set to the root
of the project, so the data folder should already be in the right place. If you
want to run outside of Visual Studio, you need to copy the whole 'data' folder
(including the cd.iso file) into the folder openapoc.exe resides in.

### Building on Linux

(Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and Mageia 6)

* On Ubuntu, install the following packages:

sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev cmake build-essential git libunwind8-dev libboost-
locale-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev

* On Mageia, install the following packages as root:

urpmi "cmake(sdl2)" libstdc++-static-devel boost-devel boost unwind-devel task-c++-
devel cmake git

* Checkout OpenApoc from GitHub.

* Fetch the dependencies from git with the following terminal command (run from the
just-created OpenApoc folder).

git submodule update --init --recursive

* Copy the cd.iso file to the 'data' directory under the repository root (Note -
despite dosbox having good linux support, the steam version of X-Com Apocalypse
will only install if Steam Play is enabled).

cp /path/to/cd.iso data/

* Create a subdirectory ('build' in this example) in the OpenApoc checkout

directory, and from that use cmake to configure OpenApoc.

cd /path/to/OpenApoc
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo ..

* This cmake command will fail if we're missing a dependency, or your system is for
some other reason unable to build - if you have any issues please contact us (see
above for links).
* Build the project with the following command.

make -j4

* This should create a directory 'bin' under the build directory, with the
'OpenApoc' executable file. OpenApoc by default expects the data folder to be in
the current working directory, so running the executable from the root of the git
checkout should work.


## How to setup OpenApoc

* This assumes that you have the file 'cd.iso' - a copy of the original X-Com
Apocalypse CD (This can be acquired from [Steam]
( - this is _required_ to run)
* you need have all files in ISO file including MUSIC etc
* if it's in .iso format, rename it to "cd.iso"
* if it's not, copy all the contents into a folder and rename the folder to
* we also support the .cue / .bin files (which are used, for example, in the version)
* you rename the .cue file "cd.iso", put it in the data/ folder, then put the
.bin file in the same folder

(without changing it's name - so for example the file remails "XCOM.BIN")

* Download OpenApoc: [![Windows Build Status]

* If you see a green latest build then you can get it, if it's not then go to
HISTORY at the top and click another build that's green
* Click Platform x64 (or Win32 if you need 32bit binaries)
* Download the first option (without "debug" in it)
* Unzip downloaded file which will create a new folder with everything from us
* Put cd.iso (image or folder) into data folder inside OpenApoc folder
* Run and enjoy!
* If you find bug report it [here](
(upload also openapoc_log.txt from game folder)

## Contact us

If you're interested, please visit our [website](

We have [forums]( - please pop by and introduce
We have an IRC channel on [Freenode](
channels=openapoc) - [#openapoc](irc://
We have a [Facebook]( page.

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