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Ibu Sonia : Excuse me?

Apoteker : Sure, Could I help you ?

Ibu Sonia : I want to take medicine..

Apoteker: Could I see your medical prescription Mrs?

Ibu Sonia : Yes of course, here it is..

Apoteker : Okay, I will taking your medicine. Wait a moment please? I will call you when it is done..

A few minutes later

Asisten : Mrs. Sonia?

Ibu Sonia : Yes, here iam..

Apoteker : Here you are Mrs, it`s your son medicine. These tablests have to be taken two time for getting
down your son.

Ibu Sonia : I have to know what it is effect the medicine?

Apoteker : Don`t worry, that effect is your son will be sleep after take it.. Mrs. Sonia do you understand?

Ibu Sonia : Yes, I see Miss

Apoteker : If you don`t understand you can ask me again

Ibu Sonia : Sure, Thank you very much Miss

Apoteker : you welcome

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