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First of all I want to tell you that

I’m going to talk about my daily routine. I’m aware that this topic isn’t
very interesting; that is why I´ve decided to make a Powerpoint
Presentation. It´s quite simple but I hope by doing this you won´t be bored.
Anyway, I’m not going to speak too long.
For this purpose I have chosen a day. And this day is yesterday And you
´ll wonder because I remember it very well.

I woke up at 7:00 but I´ve always liked staying in bed when the alarm
clock sounds, so I got up 10 minutes later. Then I opened the curtains, had
a shower, cleaned my teeth, shaved off and combed my hair (it´s easy
because I don´t have too much hair on my head –as you can see-). After
this, I got dressed and I had breakfast: a cup of coffee with two pieces of
toast and jam. In the meantime, I was watching the news on TV (I don´t
know why I always do it because they make me feel angry and depressed)

At about 8:30 I walked the dog (its name is Tara). When I was in the
street I bought the newspaper. Thirty minutes later I got home and I did
some housework: I made the bed, swept up and mopped the floor.
Then I did the washing and watered the plants. Meanwhile I was listening to
the radio. At midday I took a break and had a sandwich with an orange juice

At midday I went to the supermarket. I didn´t spend too much money. I

bought a packet of noodles, a milk carton, a lettuce, some fruit, and two
loaves of wholemeal bread.
When I went back home I rested for a while, checked my e-mail and read
the news. At about 2:00 am I made lunch. I don´t like cooking so I always
cook some fast recipes.
After lunch I did the washing up and walked the dog (only ten minutes
because I was in a hurry).

At 3:30 pm I went to work. I went down the stairs on foot. In this way I
exercise. I drove for about 30 minutes. When I arrived in Chiva I parked in
the street near the school. I started work at 4:30 and I was in time as usual
At about 6:00 pm I took a short break and I had a coffee with a little milk.
At 10:00 pm I finished work and went home.
I had dinner and then I walked the dog one more time. After this I
rested on the sofa and turned on the TV. When I was watching the teletext I
realized that I had won one hundred thousand Euros in the lottery!!
Have you listened to what I´m saying?...I´m going to tell you the true…
I was joking…I´ve never won a big prize in the lottery
To be honest, TV programs are usually not interesting so 10 minutes
later I turned off the television and was studying English for one hour. At
midnight I began to feel sleepy so it was time to start the bedtime routine: I
cleaned my teeth, set the alarm clock, wished goodnight to my dog,
switched the light off and went to bed

Thank you for your attention…and that´s all!!

I´ve chosen this topic because I could think of anything better…

It´s a photomontage
I work in Chiva with adult people…I teach maths, biology, Physics
and chemistry…
I teach in a group for university access for those over 25 years
to obtain the Secondary Education Graduate
I really like my work…I worked in a secondary institute from 1989
to 2005 … I will never go there again
I drive everyday 60 kilometers from Monday to Friday. Chiva is 30
km from my home. I live in Paterna
My dog is an Irish red setter…very friendly, noble, dependable
and easy to train. It´s 7 y.o.
I live alone

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