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The ABM Track or Accountancy Business and Management is for those who plan on
taking up Economics, Business Administration, Accountancy and Marketing for Grade 11
Students. ABM track focuses to train those who undergo in it to be a future business-optimists,
accountants, manager, all this related to management of both resources finances and human
ABM also focuses in occupations that has a strong need of mathematical utilization such as like
Loaning business, Logisticians, Bankers and Financial Trading Businesses.
ABM is one of the few tracks that K-12 has to offer in order to prepare students in environment
of business and financial prowess. The track is given to those who are willing to undergo it’s
specialize teaching protocols.
The academic track defines a set of possible course selections available to a specific group of
students. It is consist of courses that will help the students prepare for the subject
specialization of the college course they will take in the future.
There are three different strands under the Academic track namely: Accountancy Business and
Management; Humanities and Social Sciences; and Science Technology Engineering and
Mathematics. Each strand has its own specializations and set of challenges.

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