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Based on my observations before in the class, the teacher had different approaches to cater

her students in terms of Multiple Intelligences, cognitive difference and their personalities. First
and foremost, for Multiple Intelligences, the teacher will create different activities everyday that
cater her students of different intelligences. For example, on Monday, the teacher will create
the activities consist of puzzles and brain games which actually suitable with students that
have a logical mathematical intelligence. On Tuesday, the teacher will create activities that
involve a lot of movements so that the students with bodily kinesthetic intelligence will enjoy
the activities so much while on Wednesday, the teacher will focus on activities that like
recitation of poem and writing journal which specifically for students that have linguistic
intelligent. By using this kind of technique, each day of the week, a different intelligent can be

For the cognitive different, the way the teacher overcome this problem is by putting all
the students in the groups. This is where the constructivist theory has been applied. This is
because if there is any confusions on the tasks given or during the activities being conducted,
smart students can assist the weak students by giving them guidance to finish the tasks given.
This actually

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