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Media censorship refers to the practice or action of suppressing highly objectionable,

vulgar, and obscene media content be it visual or audio content. The advocates for media

censorship usually give a bunch of reasons that push them into censorship affection. The primary

influence behind suppression is morality. For example, a podcast that is hosting explicit adult

talks can evoke a wave of mixed reactions among parents and guardians leading to a debate for

censorship. Sexualized television shows are one of the most affected media content. Censorship

debates may lead to the scrapping off of some commercials from the media. Although parents

and guardians may push for media censorship, entertainers are also offered the opportunity to

defend themselves. From the entertainers' perspective, they always rate their content which

prescribes the right audiences for a certain program or commercial. Some of the entertainers also

argue that they broadcast their content during specific times as required by the state's laws.

Failing to protect children from explicit adult content is one of the ethical breaches that

entertainers do. Such actions often lead to a declined morality of the children. Therefore, parents

and guardians should take full responsibility to guard the integrity of their children. Parents are

responsible for the kind of media content that their kids access as children have no control over

what they watch. It is the right of the children to be protected from explicit content. Even though

media censorship protects the integrity of children, it may also impair the creativity of the

entertainment industry. Typically, there is a somewhat unclear definition of what is creative art

and censorship interests. The entertainment industry may thus be limited to its creativity due to

the conflict between censorship interests and artistic creativity.

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