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Guzetteer of Bangalore eo ter: Wetarpara Joykcishna Poblic Librasp Govt. of West Bonga) + ABBORICULEUEE. : 9 + Reserved Forests. —The State forests aro Killekéiva) in’Magadi ta- * luk, 10 square miles in extent; and heen! Yrxatgode tte an area of 22 square miles in Kan- = ue Kenholli taluk including ,13 hills* Fees.) Berar betta tetas i0 the Uyamballi hobli. District ine forests have been formed in the same 5 Yaluksp namely, at Savandurga in Magadi, and between Gatgund and ' Maralvadi in Kankanballi. + dvoricutture.—Plantalions, The great demand for fuel.restéd by the railway and the increasing consumption at Bangalore have led to . the formation of fuel plantations both by Government and by private * individuals, The common cassia florida and the caswarina muricata . havo been largely planted in the reserves, The former grows freely if treated as a pollard, otherwise it is apt to die out suddenly. Avenues have been planted along all the public roads, the best growing indigenous traps being generally em loyed for the purpose. These consist of the mango, figs, honge, and nerale, which are raised in nurseries and then ‘aneplanted. Groves of trees called topes are numerous. They are planted by natives near wells or tanks, as works of merit, for the shelter of travellers. The mango aud the hippe appear to be preferred for the purpose in this Districty ‘The former is an umbrageous and handsome , tree Of symmotrical form and grows well. Tiatterly village topes have sheon formed by order of Government, which will prove of great use _ ag, camping grounds besides improving the appearatice of the country. Ornamental trees have been introduced into the station of Banga- lore in great variety. Within the last few years the poinciana regia or ‘flame of the forest’, with its splendid scarlet blossoms, has become quite common. The spathodea with a still more gorgeous flower of deep orange tint is also met with on all sides. Numerous coniferous trees have been cultivated with great success, including araucaria and other varieties of pine, Tho Java fig, a graceful and fast growing tree, with glossy and delicate foliage, is being much planted in gardens, as well as the Moreton Bay chesnut and the grevillea robusta. Many of these, ’ a ¥ 4

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