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Medicine Qty.

Antiseptic (Betadine) 1 Bottle

Isopropyl Alcohol 1 Bottle
Ammonia 1 Bottle
Hydrogen Peroxide 1 Bottle
Burn Oinment 1 tube
Paracetamol 30 pcs
Anti-Diarrhea (Loperamide) 30 pcs
Anti-acid (Kremil S) 30 pcs

Medical Supplies / Equipment

First Aid Box
Thermometer 1 unit
Stethoscope 1 unit
Spygnomanometer 1 unit
Sterile gauze pads 30 pads
Gauze Bandage 2 rolls
Adhesive Tape 2 rolls
Cotton 2 packs
Bandage Scissors 1 pair
Triangular Bandage 3 pcs
Safety pins 5 safety pins
Hot water bag 1 bag
Ice bag 1 bag
Rubber tourniquet 2 units
Forceps 1 pc
waste pail 1 pc
soap 1 bar
*Treatment Room Facilities * construction of treatment room depends on the t
well. we can have a MOA with the nearest clinic or
Examining Table 1 unit
Linen 1 unit
Bed 1 unit
Strecher or spineboard 1 unit (mandatory)
Cabinet for supplies
reatment room depends on the total no. of employees and office space as
a MOA with the nearest clinic or hospital for severe and emergency cases
This form should be used by FAs to record treatment provided. The logsheet may be kept in a hard copy file by the FAO.
Date: Time: Name of patient: Description of injury or Chief Complaint How the injury occurred: Treatment provided: Medication Given (with Qty.)

NOTE: Review the injury types treated to assist with the planning and provision of appropriate first aid arrangements. For medical emergencies of a personal nature, records may be maintained separately on the individuals
(First aid treatment records must be kept for a period of 2 years ).
First Aid Treatment Register template,V1.0 Safety Wellbeing Team, August2013 - (This form is based on an initiative of the Central Finance Unit)
First Aider Name: Reported to HO:

on the individuals 201 HR file.

First Aid Treatment Register template,V1.0 Safety Wellbeing Team, August2013 - (This form is based on an initiative of the Central Finance Unit)

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