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Isaac Alejandro Leyva López

Marissa Valdivia

Mature endospore: Endospores are specific elements of bacteria that consist of

dehydrated cells with a very long survival that have thick walls and several additional
layers. These structures are formed in the inner part of the bacterial plasma membrane
Vegetative cell: A cell of a bacterium or unicellular alga that is actively growing rather
than forming spores.
Germination: Is the process by which a spore is converted to the vegetative state
Gerard J. Tortora, Berdell R. Funke, Christine L. Case. (2007). Introducción a la
microbiología. US: Editorial medica panamericana.
Oxforddictionaries (s.f). Vegetative cell. 30/01/2018, de Oxforddictionaries Sitio web:

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