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1 This House Supports Medical Tourism

2 This House Would Make Organ Donations after Death Mandatory

3 This House Would Put High Taxes on Unhealthy Products

4 Information: Fat Camp is a type of program wherepeople who are ovenveight or Motions obese go to
lose weight through erercise and lifestyle changes. Motion: This House Would Force Parents of Obese
Children to Send Their Children to Fat Camp.

5 This House Would Ban Zoos

6 This House Believes That It is Immoral to Donate to Animal Welfare Charities While There are Charities
which Aim to Alleviate Human Suffering Still in Need

7 This House Should Provide Paramedics Immunity from Lawsuits Stemming from Their on-the Job

8 This House Would not Make State Health Care Available to Smokers.

9 Information. "Collective parenting" refers to child-rearing by multiple adults, which may or may not
include the child's birth parents. "Multiple adults" here could mean the entire community, a subset of
the community, or one or more multi-parent households. Motion: This House Prefers Collective

10 This House Believes That when Doctors discover a Patient Has STDs, They Should Reveal that
information to the Patient's Partner

11 This House Believes That We Should Prohibit Public Hospitals to Proscribe Alternative Treatments (like
homeopathic treatments, acupuncture or Bach flower remedies)

12 As Feminists, This House Supports Weight Loss Program

13This House Supports Hybrid-embryonic Cloning

14 Information: Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is a condition that affects serual development
before birth and during puberty. People with this condition are genetically male, with one Xchromosome
amd one Y chromosome in each cell Because their bodies are unable to respond to certain male ser
homones (called androgens), they may have mostly female erternal ser characteristics orsigns of both
male and female sexual development. Motion: This House Believes That Athletes Suffering from AIS
Should be Excluded from the Gender Testing Regulations

15 Information: Kartu Indonesia Sehat (KIS) is a State Program Privileging of Mainstream Biomedical
Knowledge over Indigenous healing practices and traditions This House Believes That the KIS is Harmful
for Indigenous People.

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