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The data shows causes of injuries among the teenagers and the general people.

The categories can be divided into two groups which are the causes involved with vehicles and the
others. The former saw a clear pattern between the genders and ages. Teenagers were more likely to be
hospitalized by accidents t=related to vehicles than adults and more boys than girls were involved in
these causes. The most common cause in this group was total transport accidents with 779 cases of
boys, 323 of girls, 557 of total teenagers and 305 of total population per 100,000 cases respectively.
Pedestrian was the least common cause of hospitalization in this group with under 50 cases per 100,000
for all the presented age and sex groups.

On the other hand, falls and complications are more common in adults than in teenagers with
complications of medical care being the most common cause of hospitalization for the total population
among all the causes listed in the table. Assault saw the same profile as the causes involved with
vehicles. Accidental poisoning was the only cause which more girls than boys were involved.

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