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Different from BE and AE

Differenc BE AE
Grammar - ‘JUST, ALREADY, YET’ with the present - ‘JUST, ALREADY, YET’
perfect tense. with the simple past
- Like + V-ing: refer a passion, hobby,… tense.
Like + to-inf: refer a choice, routine or doing - Like + to-inf: refer a
sth because of its advantage. hobby, routine or a
- To aim at + V choice.

- To aim to + V
Vocabulary - our: colour, humour, labour,… - or: color, humor, labor,
- tre: centre, metre, theatre,… …
- nce: defence, offence, licence,…
- ter: center. Meter,
- nse: defense, offense,
Pronunciation - The /o/ vowel in BE: -> /o/
The /o/ vowel in AE: -> /a:/

Ex: document /dokjumentDocument [(Br.E) dɒkjʊmənt ] [Am.E) dɑːkjʊmənt]

· Occupied [(Br.E) ɒkjʊpaɪd ] [Am.E) ɑːkjʊpaɪd]
· Copy [(Br.E) kɒpi ] [Am.E) kɑːpi]
· Monitor [(Br.E) mɒnɪtə ] [Am.E) mɑːnɪtə ]

Either [ˈaɪðər] · Either [ˈiːðər]

· Neither [ˈnaɪðər] · Neither [niːðɚ]
· Privacy/’praɪvəcɪ/ · Privacy [’prɪ:vəcɪ]
· Direction/daɪ'rekʃn/ · Direction [dɪ:'rekʃn]
· Clerk [klɑːk ̩ ] · Clerk.[klɝːk]
· Garage[gæridʒ ̩ ] · Garage [gəˈrɑːʒ]
· Schedule [ˈʃɛdjuːl] · Schedule [skedju:l]

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