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Jonathan Aispuro

Ms. Wilczynski, Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Kelly

American Literature

6 April 2019

10 Commandments to Live By
The 10 commandments are a set of rules to let a person become good and live a happy
life. Some of these rules will appeal to one of the three ethical frameworks. Duty framework, and
consequentialist framework. These are the ethics that set the certain rules apart from one another.

For instance the rules help others, defend others if needed, do no harm,be happy, the right
to bear arms, and thou shalt not kill are people's natural duties. Thus, making it a duty framework
by having the best action of protecting others and yourself. These rules might not appeal to all
but are needed to makes the lives of others feel secure and hopeful that someone will be willing
to help them in a tough situation. Nethertheless, this is not the only lesson being taught about
being good

The consequences of one's actions can lead to drastic or worse outcomes than expected.
Many might not help the person in need because of this. The rules of the 10 commandments that
help guide those with help are think before you act, find the best solution, treat others as how you
would want to be treated, and lies are fine but no exaggeration/getting caught. These show the
person having an obligation of solidarity of how they want to be shown. In other words they will
act how they want to feel and/or to show what they truly are. Lying can be for the best reason in
certain situation because it can give reachurance or hope. This is a consequence that can result in
an better outcome.

In short, these rules are for those that want to be happy and live a more preferable life. It
will give more info on who they are by the way they act or perceive the rules. Giving a chance of
doing the right thing in the best way possible. Some may not agree on the rules but you need
some things that may be negative to make things positive like lying. In the end it is more about
safety and the protection of everyone.

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