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Each day problems in our society seem to worsen, yet we make them seem as if they are

as tiny as an ant. We go on living our lives and don't see how our world is crumbling right in

front of our own two eyes. Our planet is calling out for help, but somehow we keep ignoring the

signals it is hinting at us. Slowly before we realize it the place we call ¨home¨ will no longer

exist, it will simply vanish due to the issues that we are all seeing but no fixing, the ones that are

destroying our world, issues like Climate change. In this essay will be discussing 3 of the

multiple issues that contribute to climate change, these factors include overpopulation, air

pollution, and electricity.

Although to the contrary belief overpopulation plays a major role in the cause of climate

change. Human life may seem harmless to the environment which is true, but what becomes

toxic to our environment is the resources that humans require. Humans require many resources

for their daily lives. However many of these resources are what is damaging our environment. In

the article Does Population Growth Impact Climate Change, it states, ¨More people means more

demand for oil, gas, coal and other fuels mined or drilled from below the Earth’s surface that,

when burned, spew enough carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere to trap warm air inside

like a greenhouse.¨ The article then goes on to say, ¨And with worldwide population expected to

surpass nine billion over the next 50 years, environmentalists and others are worried about the

ability of the planet to withstand the added load of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere and

wreaking havoc on ecosystems down below.¨ In addition, greenhouse gasses play a significant

part in climate change which can be seen in the article. If the components that makeup

greenhouse gasses are at a constant demand then greenhouse gasses will increase substantially.

The more that the CO2 in the atmosphere increases the more that the thermal energy inclines

which could conduct an enormous amount of heat to enroll, leading to another problem, global
warming. Furthermore, we can change this by minimizing the number of resources we use or by

managing the climate.

Whilst America isn't one of the most polluted countries it is definitely up there on the

chart. Air pollution doesn't only affect the environment but also the climate. Air pollution and

pollution, in general, are accountable for the vast majority of climate change in the world.

Nevertheless, pollution releases greenhouse gasses just like how overpopulation does. In the

article, it mentioned that ¨Air pollutants that are harmful to human health and ecosystems also

contribute to climate change by affecting the amount of incoming sunlight that is reflected or

absorbed by the atmosphere, with some pollutants warming and others cooling the Earth.¨

Moreover, air pollutants also can cause things such as premature death, failure in ecosystems,

and failure in the agriculture business. As a result of air pollution, many things can occur, such as

the release of methane and carbon dioxide which are two of the main causes of climate change.

These air pollutants stay in the atmosphere for longer periods of time and are constantly causing

more damage to the earth. This can simply be decreased by doing things such as recycling and

using fewer items that produce toxins that are later released into the air in many ways.

Particularly, as the years go by we can see the amount of electricity being demanded

skyrocket at an immense rate by the human race. The side effects of the overuse of electricity is

becoming a contributing factor to the expansion of climate change. Electricity has become a

major issue, considering the fact that it is ¨the single largest source of CO2 emissions in the

United States.¨ Combustion of fuels such as coal and fossil fuels release an enormous amount of

greenhouse gasses such as methane and CO2. The constant use of unnecessary electricity and the

methane that is produced from it needs to be burned, ¨ so that it does not escape into the

atmosphere, where it may accelerate global climate change.¨ On the subject of electricity,
overpopulation also plays a part in the extensive use of electricity. The stupendous amount of

people on this earth means that there are more people who use electricity. Take this into

consideration, there are more than 7.1 billion people on this planet, if we all use some type or

form of energy then we are all emancipating numerous long term deadly gasses that are

polluting our air and environment. On the bright side electricity is something that can easily be

reduced by straightforwardly turning off lights when not needed, taking shorter showers, using

the correct form of light, etc…

All in all, we can now see how such small things that seem like misdemeanors in our

lives play a major role in other aspects of our lives. Climate change is becoming a boundless

problem that needs to be managed before it gets out of hand. Now that we know the dangers of

this issue and how to stop it, let's do our part and help our society become less vulnerable to

Climate Change.

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