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ULL anes Sn PTC Cd) | 3. Let's Listen People are making small talk. What are they talking about? Listen and circle the correct answer, 3. a. the weather 5. a. school b. a vacation b. work ¢. health problems ©. apartments 4, a. school 6. a. work b. work b. family ©. friends ¢. anew boyfriend . school a2 Listen again. Does the last person speaking want to continue or end the conversation? Check (V) the correct answer. Unit 1 : 3 4. Let's Listen eas People are making small talk. What question are they answering? Circle the correct answer. 1 6 a. b) b. Are you here on vacation? Do you like living here? Do you think English is difficult? Why are you studying English? How old are your children? How many children do you have? What kind of work do you do? . What kind of job would you like? When did you arrive? . Have you been having fun here? Where did you go on vacation? Where are you from? E23 Listen again, Circle the best response. 1. @) I'm glad you like it here, B. ‘That's too bad Me, neither I like those videos, too. Why don’t you like them? Tagree. They re terrible. Thanks, anyway. Lagree. Two is enough. I'm glad you and your husband agree. . Thanks. I'd love to. b. Sorry. I'm busy that day. . I'd love to see your house. You'll love the beach. . What kind of car will you buy? Good idea. The scenery is great there. Yeah, I think I will. . Really? Why not? . You're right. I shouldn't go there.

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