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Post Assessment Rubric  

Element  + Exceeds   Meets   -Partially Meets   x Does Not Meet  

LG2: Knowledge of  Is able to describe the  Is able to identify the  Is able to minimally  Is not able to describe 
the the e ect that  importance of seaweed  importance of seaweed  describe the  the importance of 
seaweed has on an  relating it to the  by using examples that  importance of seaweed  seaweed using any 
ecosystem and why it  ecosystem, the food  relate to two out of the  with one example.   examples.  
is valuable to try to  system, and why  examples in the 
keep.   humans need it using  exceeds category.  
(Question:Why is  examples and academic 
seaweed important to 

LG2:Knowledge of  Is able to describe how  Is able to identify how  Is able to minimally  Is not able to identify 
seaweeds impact in  seaweed is used in  seaweed is used in food  identify how seaweed is  the how seaweed is 
our food system  food, its nutritional  including at least 1  used in food or  used in food or provide 
(Question: How does  value as well as include  specific example  provides at least 1  any examples.  
seaweed impact our  more than 2 specific  describing its function.   specific example 
food system? Hint:  examples describing its  describing its function.  
think about Day 2 and  function.  
3 of the rotation.) 

LG3: Knowledge of  Is able to describe how  Is able to identify how  Is able to identify how  Is not able to identify 
seaweeds on impact  seaweed impacts the  seaweed impacts the  seaweed impacts the  how seaweed impacts 
on its ecosystem  ecosystem using 2 or  ecosystem using 1-2  ecosystem using 1  the food system.  
(Question: In what  more examples to  examples to display  example to display 
ways is seaweed an  display understanding  understanding while  understanding. 
important part of the  while using academic  using academic 
ecosystem it lives in?  language and Tier 3  language.  
Please be as specific 
as possible. I am 
looking for many 

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