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Lindsey Fuchs

Professor Cassel

English 1201

20 January 2019

Child Labor

My sophomore year in high school my english teacher made my class write a paper about

an issue in the world. My teacher handed out a piece of paper with a lot of different issues on it.

One of the issues that stood out to me was child labor. When I first started researching child

labor, I never knew how bad it was. While doing preliminary research, it made me think of my

little sister who currently is seven years old. I could never imagine her being involved in doing

some of the work that other kids around the world her age are doing. When writing this paper, I

never did extensive research I just looked at what child labor affected within a child. I wanted to

look at the solutions that are out there and if any of the solutions that are out there are working to

help end child labor.

This topic makes me want to take action and help to end this but I know I will not be able

to do that. I just want to teach others about this issue and help spread awareness. I think this topic

is a big issue and should be looked at to see what solutions are working in the world. Child labor

is not very controversial but the solutions can be controversial in how effective they are. I

believe that this topic should be looked into and see how others can help end child labor. I

already know that child labor affects a child in many different ways and that the biggest reason

that child labor exists is because of poverty. The children work so they can support their families

that need the money. The child is affected in different areas of their lives but the biggest one
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being education. The child has to skip school to work and since most of the time they need the

money to help their families they will not skip work to go to school.

I need to learn about what solutions are out there in an effort to end child labor. Also,

what solutions are working the best and which ones are not working. I want to learn more about

where the biggest issue is with child labor and what they are doing to help end child labor.

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