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Name: Gary Yagual Yépez Date: 17/august/2018 English level V

How can the high unemployment rate be lowered?


Every place there is work opportunity although the indices say existence of unemployment
should have another name "unemployment in people that work is looking for"


The high rate of unemployment is mostly in the mentality of people, because there is enough
employment in all places rather we wait for the job to look for us in most cases.

I believe that the lack of culture in society that not only serves the office job but also is very
useful service employment, so little considered in these times where more priority is given to
tie jobs.


Introduce into the culture of society that each step in an activity is important from office to
people working in the field with unsophisticated suits
Possibility solution

One Solutions

Create micro-businesses to promote jobs in rural sectors.

The rural countryside is very little exploited and contributes very well because local works is
hired at low prices, this last incentive to the employer.

Second Solutions

Facilitate lines of credit to produce and finish the product within the same sector, reducing
transportation costs and encouraging entrepreneurship where it did not exist before.
It should be noted that rural labor is one of the best in our country.

Third Solutions.

Entrepreneurship to the local or sectorial product to start with the help of investors to
promote initiatives of a new market and not be limited to existing ones.

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