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G 2 ING BY WINGENT BIREDIEE: MEL BAY PUBLICATIONS, INC. aE eae) ‘ Nel ee E18) 5) i $ 0 ” MEL BAY’S COMPLETE GUITAR IMPROVISATION BOOK er vincent Cd % w Introduction ‘This book has been writen primarly to help tho student leam 12 Improvise by offering technical, theoretical and contemporary concepts used in today’s must 11 cortains numerous stusies using scales arpeggios, modes, chords, Contemporary licks with tablature as well as harmony, ear-raining. and reading exercises. ‘The student should realize wnat Kstening to great jazz players, transcribing their solos and learning the standards and heads of tunes are an essential part of the program—as Paul Hindemith aptly saye—'Mastor Rhythm & Pich.” | want to add, frst a musician then a guitars Good Luck and Work Hard! About the Author Vincent Bredice M. M.—Now an associate professor and guitar instructor at Miami-Dade Junior College, Miami, Florida, has taught guitar privately since 1946 from Maine to Florida. He has also taught at the Philadelphia Academy of Music and the Hartt College of Music of the University of Hartford where he was awarded a Master's degree in theory and taught theory land guitar for ten years. He has played on radio, T. V., night clubs, and recorded for Columbia! records In the field of composition he has written works for guitar, plana, wood winds and strings. His "Sonata for Tre’, @ 12 tone piece for guitar, thule and viola won one of the 2 top honors in'the Intemational Competiion for Guitarists held annually in Modena, tly In the field of education he has written along with The Complote Method of Improvising. seven other published guitar books, ‘wo bass guitar books, and The Contemporary Modal Improvisation Book co-authored witn Tom Floyd. He is also co- ‘authoring two books with the renowned ja22 gUltaist Jack Wikins, His most noteworthy students are: 1. The West coast anist Joe Diorio-author of five books, facuty of Unversity of Southom Catforia and G7 schools 2, Recording artist, jazz and classic great Sid Jacobs: ‘author, faculy of Grove School, LA. and GLLT. 3, Concert and recording artist Lou Mowad-classic guitar, ‘acuity, Broward Community College, Fl. Lauderdale, Florida, 4. Tom Floyd-jazz and classic guitar artist, author, faculty at Florida Allanti University 5, Nick Orta-extraordinary bass guitaick Florida Int University, Miami, Flora,

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