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Riot MC Staff Guide 


Welcome to the ​Riot  MC team. The purpose of this guide is to explain all the staff rules,
policies and T.O.S, as well as how to deal with everyday situations properly, making sure
everyone is on the same page. By logging onto the server, you agree to have read and fully
understood this guide’s objectives and rules, and are fully aware of their consequences if

Please note the following before hopping on the server:

● Read the guide thoroughly, making sure you understand everything on it.
● If you have any questions or suggestions, contact a Head Staff member.
● It is your responsibility as a staff member to keep up with all these rules, including
player rules. Any modification to this document will be posted in its changelog b.
● Releasing this guide to unauthorised thirds (non-staff members) will result in an
immediate demotion and non-appealable blacklist.

Staff policy

RiotMC strives to provide the best player and staff experience possible. For this to be
possible, there is a strong staff policy to be followed. If broken, your staff rank will be
removed, you will receive from a 1 month to a permanent, non-appealable blacklist and will
never be allowed back into the team.

1. Do not bully, harass or be racist to any staff member or player. You should be
respectful at all times, no matter the situation.
2. Do not “trash talk” any other servers (in-game, TeamSpeak, Twitter...) As a staff
member on RiotMC, you are representing our team; don’t give us a bad image or
make us look unprofessional.
3. Do not use unapproved screenshare utilities, “strings”, or methods unless they are
verified by Head Staff. You may also not call anyone into a screenshare as a joke.
4. Do not leak or forward any messages or media (videos, photos, links, voice
messages, etc) from our private staff chats. What is discussed within the staff team
should remain confidential.
5. Do not leak any of RiotMC’s private documents. This guide falls under this category.
6. Do not become visible in front of any player if they aren’t asking for help just to mess
around. If you’re caught harassing our players, you will be removed.
7. Do not talk in chat unless it is 100% necessary. Staff should be there without players
8. Do not complain or ask why a specific staff member was promoted and you were not.
Hard work always pays off. If you work hard, you will be rewarded. Everyone is given
an equal opportunity to prove to us how good of a staff member they can truly be.
9. Do not lie to Head Staff.
Riot MC 
Staff eyes only, do ​not​ leak to players

10. Do not cheat. If you happen to be caught cheating as a staff member, your
permissions will be removed, you will receive a permanent blacklist and you will
never be allowed back into the team. This also includes other servers; you are
representing our team. Don’t make us look unprofessional. Get rid of your X-Ray and
staff mods if you are planning on playing another server that is not Riot, and never
blame your mistakes on us. If you were X-Raying, which you shouldn’t be, own up to
it, don’t say that you’re staff somewhere else and that you didn’t know you had it on.
If you’re caught doing this, you will be fired. If you are caught cheating on any
FrozenOrb​ server, like ​Velt​ or ​Arcane​, you will be blacklisted.
11. Do not take any payment of any sort for any service that we offer unless given
permission by Spyno or Resucting.
12. You may also not work for any other network unless given permission or approved by
Head Staff.
Moderator responsibilities

Your duties as a part of the Riot MC staff team are as follow:

- Enforcing server rules.
- Assisting players in-game, on TeamSpeak and Reddit.
- Punishing rule breakers accordingly.
Here on Riot MC, all players must be treated, respected and assisted the same way, despite
their rank or relevance. If you are ever unsure about anything, even in the slightest, ask for a
second opinion. Here are some more rules to be followed:

● Maintain a professional attitude at all times. This is not your place to get upset. If you
are getting heated over a situation or someone is pissing you off, leave your room
and cool down before you make any mistakes.
● Punishments:
○ Do not punish a player if you are not 100% sure they are breaking a rule.
○ Do not overwrite punishments that are not yours.
○ Do not tell a player who punished them.
○ Do not discuss bans, mutes or blacklists in-game.
○ If you make a mistake when punishing a player, let higher up staff know, so
that they can remove the punishment and you can punish the player correctly.
○ Do not ban for the following without screensharing the player:
■ X-Ray or Radar.
■ Triggerbot, Aim Assist, Velocity, etc. (Do not ban anyone for these or
for the reason “Vape”, “Kurium”, etc. if you have not screenshared
○ Always provide a full, valid reason when punishing a player. This comes in
handy when the player is making a ban, mute or blacklist appeal. For
/ban Spyno “Insiding”
/ban Spyno “Insiding NoLimit: Took valuables and swords” ​✓
/mute Spyno 7d “Toxic”
/mute Spyno 7d “Racism, player harassment” ​✓
● Screenshares:

03/11/2018 » Added new staff policy.
Riot MC 
Staff eyes only, do ​not​ leak to players

○ Do not screenshare anyone if you do not have the “Screenshare Approved”

rank on the TeamSpeak.
○ Do not use unapproved methods, strings or tools.
○ Do not call a player into a screenshare or freeze a player as a joke.
○ Only Head Staff are allowed to screenshare players with the Media, Famous
and Partner ranks. If you believe a player holding any of these ranks could be
cheating, contact a Head Staff member.
● TeamSpeak:
○ Always ask staff members before joining them in a Support Room, or join it
and wait 5 seconds before saying anything at all. (“5 second rule”)
○ No more than 4 staff members per Support Room.
○ Do not AFK in Support Rooms.
○ Do not spam-poke, spam-message, excessively move or sound board
anyone, etc.
● Head Staff:
○ Head Staff members have the final say in any matter.
○ If you ever need a Head Staff’s assistance, shoot them a message, but do not
harass them.
○ Server owners and developers should not be contacted right away. Let Head
Staff know first.
● You may not use an alt account unless given permission by Head Staff.
● Do not give away information to players only you have access to. Use common
sense. This includes, but is not limited to tactical information. For example:
○ “The faction NoLimit is capping KoTH”
○ “Spyno has 4 potions left, and his helmet is almost broken.”
○ “Spyno is kiting, he’s currently at 123, 321, 67 and running West”
● Inevitably, mistakes will be made. It is something natural, and it is something we have
all done. If you made a mistake let us know, do not make us have to look for it

Riot MC Rules

03/11/2018 » Added new staff policy.
Riot MC 
Staff eyes only, do ​not​ leak to players

03/11/2018 » Added new staff policy.

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