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Hannah Edwards

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(a): Kathryn M. Yorkston, Carolyn R. Baylor, and Michael I. Burns

(b): 2016
(c): Stimulating Patient Communication Strategies
(e): Communication Disorders is a program that teaches aspiring Speech Langauge
Pathologists patient-provider communication tools from class work and clinical
experiences. As therapists, we come across vulnerable patients with communication
disorders such as: speech, language, cognition, hearing, and the list goes on. Therefore,
this article beautifully explains how important it is have patient centered practice because
we collaborate with other faculty and families all day long.

(a): Shelley D. Hutchins, Carol Polovoy, and Bridget Murray Law

(b): 2017
(c): The Wide-Angle Professional Perspective
(e): This article goes in depth on the daily responsibilities of therapists working in the
Communication Disorders field. It explains the collaboration between therapists, research
involved, testing, case studies, different disorders in language, cognition, and hearing,
and numerous other responsibilities Speech Language Pathologist have in providing the
best possible treatment for clients.

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