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1. Background: the ground, parts, people, or things at the back or rear, as of a

picture, a painting, or a place
 base, asiento, apoyo, culo, fundamento, suelo, raíz, cimiento

2. Curvy: a continuously bending line, without angles

 comba, arco, circunferencia, alabeo, elipse, órbita, círculo, hipérbole, parábola,

3. Parallel: (of two or more items) lined up in the same direction, never meeting
or spreading apart
 comparable, correspondiente, equidistante, equivalente, semejante

4. Rod: a long straight stick, wand, or staff and a slender bar or tube for draping
towels over
 palanca, tranca, vara, varilla, rejón, barreta, barrón, barrote, eje, hierro,
lingote, riel, palote, carril

5. Spots: a mark made by something unwanted, such as dirt

 desdoro, deshonra, baldón, ultraje, infamia, mancilla

6. Sophisticated: (of a person, ideas, tastes, manners, etc.) altered by education,

experience, etc., so as to be worldly-wise
 Sofisticado, refinado, exquisito, elegante, mundano, cosmopolita, artificial

7. Exaggerated :( unduly or unrealistically magnified to have an exaggerated opinion

of oneself and abnormally increased or enlarged.
 excesivo, desmesurado, desorbitado, extremado, descomunal, gigantesco,

8. Meaning: is intended to be or is expressed and the end, purpose, or significance of

 significado, alcance, razón, motivo, representación

9. Manipulated: to manage or influence skillfully and often unfairly

 manejar, utilizar, emplear, operar, actuar, tocar, sobar, manosear, maniobrar

10. Award: to give (something due), esp as a reward for merit: to award prizes
 galardón, recompensa, laurel, corona, medalla, homenaje, condecoración,
retribución, satisfacción, gratificación, plus
11. Antelope: a deerlike animal of Africa and Asia
 anta, gacela

12. Unfaithful: not faithful;false to one's duty, what one should do, or what one
has promised;disloyal.
 traidor, perjuro, felón, desleal, alevoso, falso, hipócrita

13. Highlighted: to emphasize or make (something) stand out and an area of the
lightest tone in a painting, drawing, photograph, etc and the most exciting or
memorable part of an event or period of time
 destacar, sobresalir, descollar, brillar, despuntar, realzar, distinguirse

14. Apoligesed: to express or make an apology; acknowledge failings or faults and to

make a formal defence in speech or writing
 justificar, paliar, alegar, explicar, exculpar, eximir, perdonar, dispensar, excusar

15. Drugs:chemical used in medicines for the treatment of disease, or to improve

physical or mental well-being
 Fármaco, medicamento, medicina, preparado, remedio, poción

16. Nap: to sleep for a short time

 reposo, descanso, sueño

17. Pill: a small tablet or capsule of medicine

 comprimido, gragea, tableta, pastille

18. Staircase: a flight of stairs, its supporting framework, and, usually, a

handrail or banisters
 escalinata, grada, gradería, escala, escalerilla, peldaños, escalones

19. Straight: without a bend, angle, wave, or curve

 derecho, seguido, directo, llano, liso, rectilíneo, vertical, perpendicular

20. Towers: a building higher than it is wide, either standing alone or forming
part of a building
 torreón, atalaya, fortificación, baluarte, fortín

21. Squares: a rectangle having all four sides of equal length,something having
or resembling this form, such as a city block, an area on a game board or a
piece of graph paper, etc
 ajedrezado, cuadrado, escaque, casilla

22. Eavesdrop: to listen secretly

 cotilla, cuentista, entrometido

23. Overhearing: to hear (speech or a speaker) without the speaker's intention

or knowledge
 atender, oír, percibir, enterarse

24. Lamb: a young sheep.

 borrego, caloyo, ternasco, andosco, recental

25. Emphasise: to give emphasis to something; stress

 acentuar, destacar, exagerar, resaltar, subrayar

26. Argue: to present or state reasons for or against a thing

 analizar, argüir, argumentar, estudiar, examinar, razonar, tratar, deliberar

27. Beg: to ask someone for money or charity;live by doing this

 limosnear, pordiosear, pedir, postular, suplicar, implorar

28. Wireless: having no wire

 Banda, Sistema, Terminal, canal, instalar

29. Portrait: a description, in words, writing, or film, usually of a person

 fotografía, foto, pintura, dibujo, cuadro, lámina, imagen

30. Heritage: something that comes or belongs to one by reason of being born
to certain parents, born at a certain time, or in a certain country, esp. the
traditions and ways of life.
 herencia, dote, fortuna, bienes, propiedades, rentas, caudal, acervo, medios,
heredad, capital

31. Attacked: to attempt to harm in an aggressive way;begin fighting with

 agredir, asaltar, acometer, embestir, arremeter, abalanzarse, arrojarse,
lanzarse, destrozar

32. Autumn: the season between summer and winter; fall

 Otoño

33. Unforgettable: staying in one's memory

 imborrable, indeleble, imperecedero, inmemorial, inmortal
34. Construted: to build or form by putting together parts
 edificar, fabricar, erigir, levantar, cimentar, obrar

35. Source: any thing or place from which something comes or is obtained;origin
 origen, principio, germen, raíz, motivo, causa

36. Frightened: to make afraid or fearful;throw into a fright;terrify

 acobardado, atemorizado, temeroso, impresionado, azarado, huidizo, alarmado,
aterrado, despavorido, espantado

37. Sighed: to let out one's breath with some noise, as from sorrow or relief
 exhalar, respirar, lamentarse, afligirse, quejarse, lloriquea

38. Bluntly abrupt in address or manner and slow in perception or understanding

 claramente, abiertamente, sinceramente, realmente

39. Darkness: the state or quality of being dark

 tinieblas, noche, negrura, tenebrosidad, lobreguez, opacidad, nebulosidad

40. Scholarship: the qualities or accomplishments of a scholar

 insignia, chía, banda, distintivo

41. Storm: a condition of the weather with strong winds, rain, thunder and
lightning, etc
 temporal, tempestad, vendaval, aguacero, borrasca, ventisca, chaparrón,

42. Government: the political system by which direction and control over the
actions of the members or citizens of a community, society, state
 gobernación, dirección, mando, administración, presidencia, regencia, jefatura,
gerencia, autoridad

43. Survey: to consider or study in a general way and to view in detail in order
to know the condition or value of something
 sondeo, investigación, averiguación, búsqueda, indagación, pesquis

44. Whisper: to speak or say with soft, quiet, hushed sounds, esp. with little or
no vibration of the vocal cords
 musitar, bisbisear, cuchichear, murmurar, runrunear
45. Handwriting: writing done with a pen or pencil in the hand and a style or
manner of writing by hand.
 redacción, expresión, transcripción, caligrafía, grafía, grafología

46. Transmitter: a person or thing that transmits

 emisor, emisora, radio, receptor

47. Podcasts: an audio file similar to a radio broadcast, which can be

downloaded and listened to on a computer, mp3 player, mobile phone
 emitir, difundir, transmitir, publicar

48. Loudly: marked by high volume of sound

 ensordecedor, atronador, estrepitoso, estridente, fragoroso, estruendoso,

49. Intercept: to seize or halt (someone or something on the way from one
place to another)
 interrumpir, obstaculizar, entorpecer, estorbar, impedir, detener, parar

50. Ink: a fluid used for writing or drawing

 tinte, colorante, tintura, color

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