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Hello Sir..

This is ANURAG SINGH, I just complete Master Degree (M.Tech) in Computer Science Engineering
from IEC College of Engineering and Technology Greater Noida.

I want study more in the area of computer science so i decided to do PhD .

When I started to make a decision about PhD all these along with a great motivation from my
Brother always helped a lot. He always wrote to me on the value of higher education and its
importance .My perspective was always a combination of contribution along with social and financial
independence. Now I ask myself to figure out what are your motivations for doing PhD? I met and
discuss many people everyone had their own motivations behind PhD. Most of them were there
because they could not get a job or they want earn more education and PhD was their last
milestone. Other motivations were to have a higher position in academics, few join PhD for having a
secure career. I know only few guys, at least in IITs looking for real research and joined with the
thought of contributing to knowledge.

The realization is whatever motivation I have before starting PhD will help me to have that kind of
PhD. If I am looking for professor job I will land there, if I am looking for a secure position I will land
there and if I am motivated for an international position I will land there. These are some very
important things to encourage me go for PhD in computer science.

Thank You

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