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When we are downloading music and films without paying for them we are

stealing to somebody

Nowadays in the whole world we know that there are many ways to
download thousands of music tracks or even entire cds or movies
(which have not released on the cinema yet) without paying for them,
but in fact I believe that these is in some ways the same as stole a
CD or a movie from a shop or even watch a movie on the cinema
without paying for the ticket before.

Firstly If you take a CD from a shop without paying for it you know
that this is a crime and you could be under arrested however you do not proceed in the same
way if you are browsing on the internet in order to download illegally some albums or movies.
That fact is that sometimes we feel anonymous behind a screen but actually this is the same
thing. Music and films have copyrights and in most of the cases we have to pay for them
before have a copy. Of course there are many resources in which copyrights allow us to
download without paying for them before because the artist behind those resource are agree
with that.

Secondly imagine you are an artist and you produce music or record films, and imagine that
someone make a copy of then and after that they started to share your work for free. That
does not sounds good or honest, is it similar who somebody who take something from you
without your concern. Or sounds like you work hardly but after all these work you do not
receive a payment.

In conclusion even though we think that take something from internet is like take a fruit from
a tree, the fact that is there are many people who work in order to get that fruit from the tree
so before take something that seems to be free think about the dozens of peoples who are
involved in produce that and try to find the copyright of those products in order to know if
you can take that for free or you have to pay before.

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