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Infosys 2006 Sample Papers | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - Redefining the way freshers get job!

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On 9th April Infosys conducted the recruitment test in our college
JSSATE noida, the pattern was the aptitude and the english paper
the apptitude consisted of 10 puzzles in 60 min and the english paper
was of 45 questions in 30 min

the apti paper was as follows...

q1> a man carried apples there no when divided by 3 5 7 and 9 left 1

apple and the no of apples was completly divided by 11 .find the no of
ans 946

2> a dice contained numbers such that 1 and 6 ,2 &5 ,4 &3 r on opp faces
find no of ways in wich it can occur...

24 ways

3> the same old ciggrate question...

ans 40

4>it was some kazai problem ..i couldn't understand the problem
a wife goes to a party and reports about no of people in the party..

5>u have to find the average velocity ..for two distances it was given
the speeds were 15 and 10 mphs

6>the dogg problem..

three people raced.. their steps were equal in the ratio 28:24:21
and the time taken by them is in the ratio 6:8:9
who won the race

ans dogg won

7>it was about the family ,a man had a doughter the age of son is 5
times that of doughter, wife 5 time of son and his own age was 2 times
his wife..there combined ages is equal to their grandmother who was 81
years of age..
find the age of son


8>the temparature of the city when multiplied get to 12 and each day
the temparature was distict find each days temperature..

ans : 1,2,3,-1,-2

the logical questions were

9>in the jewellery shop there where two cases left and right
dimond is only on the right
stone starting from letter a was only on left
emerald and saphire always come together - Redefining the way freshers get job!

i exactly dont remember the question but it was simple..

10> there were 4 people grocer druggist policeman and the butcher
named A B C and D not respectively
A and B always gave lift to one another and were neighbours
B earned more than C
the policeman was not the neighbour druggist
the butcher went by foot
similar statements...

english paper
it contained a RC passage.. a very good vocab portion..
and idoms...other were filling preposition
and correcting sentences ..also filing in correct verbs..

thats all i could recall at the moment - Redefining the way freshers get job!


today i had my Infosys intrvw in hyd campus.

my slot ws et 2 in the aftrnun but it strtd at 2:40
as soon as i ws cald i can c two middle-aged ppl ready to play with me thn strtd the game

thy strtd with askin my name n abt my hobbies

note tht thy wil hv the aptitude paper with thm
thy r gonna giv u one qstn frm the ppr n ask u to solve tht
aftr tht thy askd me to spk one min abt my clg
thn followd with sm qstns on my proj

aprt frm tht thr wer puzzles

1) make 4 equilateral triangles using 6 matchsticks
ans) build a triangular pyramid

2)u r given two rods one is iron othr is magnet

hw do u fnd whch is iron n whch is magnet
ans) hang thm magnet aligns itslf with north-south
perform tht 3-4 times to confrm the rods

3)"fast cars chewing gum"

explain tht stmt

i dint gt tht

the intrvw wud be gud if u can be cool n confident

hope i hlpd ya guys

n thnx fr the materials u always keep posting on mails. thy really hlp a loooooot - Redefining the way freshers get job!


Infosys technologies test held on 2nd April 2006 Sunday at Christ College Bangalore, I attended
the test , around 300 to 400 have attended the test & they only selected 35 candidates.

Infosys people today shocked us by changing the test pattern completely.IT'S A MULTIPLE
CHOICE QUESTION PAPER,THERE ARE NO PUZZLES as they used to ask but two parts as
usual part1 is like aptitude, reasoning & part 2 is of English test, The test questions which i
remember are:

Part 1
First 20 30 questions consist of 50 marks in 45minuts
questions carries 40 marks 2 marks for each question n next 10 questions carries 1 mark.

So the questions I remember are as below:

A paragraph with few statements were given Its based on cricket between India & England,
England all out by 38 runs. & some 3 to 4 statements were given like

i: kumble took 5 wickets or srinath took 3 wickets or one more player name i didn't remeber
suppose X took one more run than srinath
ii: if a player run out no credit goes to bowler
& two more statements were there I didn't remember n based on it 5 questions were asked each
carrying 2 marks
1> who took five wickets ?
2> how many were run out ?
& three similar kind of question related to given statements

3>4>5>similar questions I didn't remember exactly


Q6>Q7>Q8> Q9> 10> these 5 questions r based on figures given we have take out the odd
figure out
then for the next 5 questions again they have given some data like salary, investments, few more
things of 5 or 6 people n ther total based on the given data 5 questions were asked.

Then now they have added from question 16-20

Option 1 : statement 1 is sufficient & statement 2 is not sufficient
Option 2 : statement 2 alone is sufficient & statement 1 is not sufficient
Option 3 : Both statement 1 & 2 are required
Option 4: both r not sufficient
Based on these again 5 questions few which I remember are
Q16> if x is divided by 2
Stmt 1: remainder is an odd number
Stmt 2:remainder is a multiple of 3
Stmt 1:something was there
Stmt 2: (x-1)<3
Q18>similar simple mathematics
Q19> find the area of the shaded figure(figure consist of circle inscribed in a square the square is
a floor n circle is a carpet remaing parts area have to be found)

stmt1: area of carpet is 9sqrft - Redefining the way freshers get job!

stmt2: area of carpet is 2.25*(pi)sqrft

Right Triangle: Q20> find po(degree of p) RQP traingle

Stmt1:if PQ=PR

Again 5 more questions based on a para n some statements like a house whose ground floor
having one room n 2 floors having 2 rooms n the people living there according to ther habit n all in
which room they live something like this based on it 5 questions

Again similar question like the above there r five houses colored with Red ,Blue ,Green ,black,
5couples live in these houses So ten people information who live besides each the information is
given in 4 to 5 statements n based on this questions were asked .

Part 2:
So this is all about aptitude n regarding English
It contains 30 questions within 30 minutes
Two big passages n questions on it.

Fill up blank with appropriate words.

Then idioms kind of words were given we have to choose its meaning .
Remaining 10 questions were for each questions a paragraph with some information is given then
we were having 4 options from which we have to choose the correct appropriate sentence which
draws the correct meaning of it.

So that's all I remember about it hope it will help you out So prepare well BEST OF LUCK to all
the Job Seekers. - Redefining the way freshers get job!


1) A spider spins a web on a window frame. it spins the amount spinned the previous day. it takes
30 days to spin web. if 2 spider start spinnin, in how many days will both together finish it.
Ans. 29 (not sure)

2) (repeated) the problem of melons with different lenghts of pan

A weighing balance of unequal length bars. One kilogram on left pan is equal to 8 melonson the
right pan. One kilogram on right pan equal to 2 melons on the left pan. What is theactual weight
of the watermelon?

3) there is a room 30 feet length, 12 feet wide, 12 feet height.

there is a spider on one side of a wall midway between sidewalls and 1 feet above floor. there is a
fly on opposite wall, midway between sidewalls and 1 feet below ceiling. what is the minimum
distance it should traverse to reah the fly
Ans. i think 24. please check

4) (repeated)the problem as to who won the race between Jack, Sam And Ann.
Ans. Ann

5) (repeated)Ship sum. where there are 12 rungs of a ladder at 10am with spacing of .4mt . when
tide rises what is the no of rungs if tide rises at 1.2mt/hr at 1am

6) For 8marks
Some Conditions like A B CD etc
with they prepare salads using 3 fruitts each. each have two fruits in common.
4 questions from that

7) (repeated) 6 marks there are 6 peole. K L M N O and P

some conditions K father of N and grand father of P. there are 2 fathers, 3 brothers and a mother
L is brother of O,s husband and one more condition

3 questions
who is O's Husband
Who are the brothers
How many male members are there

8) A repeated sum to find who is strongest of Tom, Hank, Jack And Bill

9) sorry dont remember

10) for 8 Marks

------- -----

find X,Y,Z,G - Redefining the way freshers get job!

Ans: 945
+ 78

- 78
867 - Redefining the way freshers get job!

Infosys-paper:1st, April-2006
1.A rich man died. In his will, he has divided his gold coins among his 5 sons, 5 daughters and a
manager. According to his will: First give one coin to manager. 1/5th of the remaining to the elder
son. Now give one coin to the manager and 1/5th of the remaining to second son and so on.....
After giving coins to 5th son, divided the remaining coins among five daughters equally.
All should get full coins. Find the minimum number of coins he has?

2.One person in a prison can earn Rs.7 per day if he works, and he has to pay Rs.3 If he doesnt
work.Atlost he earned Rs.170. then how many days he worked in60 days.

3.A boy and a girl started in opposite direction of 20km distance. A bird flys from boy to girl and
then return to boy and so on..util they met. If the spped of a girl is 15kmph, and boy & girl speeds
are 10kmph.
Then how much distance that bird can fly inbetween them.


5.Given 4 persons A,B,C,D and his disignations P,Q,R,S not respectively.

Some conditions......(I dont remember)
we need to find Who is belogs to which job?

6.There r 5 girls A,B,C,D,E belongs to P,Q,R,S,T families has to make a fruit salad with a mixer of
They have to use min of 3 fruits but no one use same combination.
Regarding this 4 Questions(I dont remember)

7.A women started her Shopping with some amount. she spent 1/2 of the amt and + 2 rs at
bucher shop and she spent 1/2of remainig+5rs at bakery and then went to market and bought
some vegitable with 1/2 of the remainig amt. and then she bought an ice creame with remaing
Initially How much she had?

8.Tom says that there r 1/3 of childrean infront of me and added to 3/4 of children who stands
before me gives the total no of children.
How many children are there?

9. A cook went to a shop and bought some eggs with 12 pounds.While he was returning from the
shop, taht shop keeper called him and gave two exta eggs to cost of 1 dozen eggs are 1
pound less than what he bought initially.
Then originally how many eggs he bought? - Redefining the way freshers get job!

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