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xls" Program
Version 2.1


Based on the Instantaneous Center of Rotation Method and Alternate Method 2
Using Table XIX from AISC 9th Ed. Manual (ASD) - page 4-75
Job Name: Subject:
Job Number: Originator: Checker:
Pv=22 k
Input Data: aL=6 θ =0

Vertical Weld Length = 8.000 in. P=Pv

Spacing of Welds = 4.000 in.
Weld Size, ω = 1/4 in. = 4 (1/16's) L=
Vertical Load, Pv = 22.00 kips 8.000 C.G. Ph=0
Horizontal Load, Ph = 0.00 kips
Dist. from Pv to C.G. = 6.000 in.
Use Special Case? No (kL)/2 (kL)/2
kL= 4
P = Pv = C*C1*D*L (for vertical load only) θ
P = allowable load on eccentric weld group (kips) aL
C = coefficient interpolated from Table XIX P
C1 = coefficient for electrode, use 1.0 for E70XX
D = number of 1/16's of an inch (weld size) L
L = vertical weld length Ph

eq. spaces
Special Case (out of plane) (Use C values for k=0)
(Note: AISC Alternate Method 2 is not used for P=Pv)
L= 8.000 in. L = vertical weld length
kL = 4.000 in. kL = spacing of vertical welds
aL = 6.000 in. aL = dist. from Pv to C.G.
a= 0.750 a = (aL)/L 1
k= 0.500 k = (kL)/L
C1 = 1.0 C1 = 1.0 for E70XX electrode
C= 0.712 (interpolated from Table XIX, page 4-75)
P= 22.00 kips P = SQRT(Pv^2+Ph^2)
Angle θ = 0.000 deg. θ = 90-(ATAN(Pv/Ph))
Co = N.A. Co = C (from AISC Table XIX, page 4-75)
C(max) = N.A. C(max) = 0.928*(2)
A= N.A. A = C(max)/Co >= 1.0
Ca/Co = N.A. Ca/Co = A/(SINθ+A*COSθ) >= 1.0
Ca = N.A. Ca = (Ca/Co)*Co
D(req'd) = 3.862 1/16's D(req'd) = P/(C*C1*L)
L(req'd) = 7.725 in. L(req'd) = P/(C*C1*D)

Weld is adequate!
D(req'd) = 3.862 <= 4 (1/16's)
L(req'd) = 7.725 <= 8 in.

1 of 1 4/9/2019 1:49 PM

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