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cheese steak jimmy's 1000 Food

robin hood 1000 Gold

rock on 1000 Stone

Lumberjack 1000 wood

I love the monkey head A VDML man will appear at your Town Center

Aegis Build Fast

how do you turn this on Cobra Car

wimpywimpywimpy Commit Suicide

natural wonders Control the Animals

Marco Full Map

furious the monkey boy Furious the Monkey Boy

Resign Instant Lose

i r winner Instant Victory

black death Kill All Opponents

torpedo(1-8) Kill Indicated Opponent (Check what slot number they're in)

polo No Shadows

to smithereens Saboteur Unit

!nomute Undoes the !mute code

!mute Will not hear any taunts

Anticipated Expenditure 2018-19 Approx. Rs. 3,413,100/- and Proposed expenditure of Institute
in 2019-20 is Rs. 5,880,600/-. The additional amounting of Rs. 2,467,500/- required.
Institute runed the only one IDD course and three courses run from NAVTTC. In future if
institute run the PC-1 approved course than Approx. 700,000/- Training Material additional
required. Because three NAVTTC course budget utilize from NAVTTC (Training Material head).
Currently Punjab Tianjin University of Technology (PTUT) Paid the Electricity bill hole the
financial year 2018-2019. In futher might be possible Institute paid Electricity fund from your
own Budget. Thats Institute required 1,500,000/- The reason of Budget Estimate for the year
2019-20 is increased from Anticipated Expenditure for the year 2018-19.

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