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Assuage : calm

Bull market : keadaan pasar yg terus mengalami kenaikan saham.

Benevolent : philanthropic
Bill : a printed statement of the money owed for goods or service.
Capital : wealth owned by a person or organization or invested, lent, or borrowed.
Compensation : something awarded to compensate for loss.
Deflator : a means of reducing prices level
Disastrous : malapetaka
Dispute : perselisihan/disagreement
Deviation : penyimpangan
Exceed : melebihi
Expenditure : money spent
Fraud : penipuan
Forecast : prediksi/ramalan
Harvest : hasil panen
Involve : melibatkan
Incentives : encouragements
Impede : block
Impoverished : poor
Indispensable : essential
Jurisdiction : legal authority
Loan : a thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money
Longevity : lenght of life
Operating cost: a sum of cost used in operating such goods or service
Parity : equality or equivalence
Possesses : own/have
Pragmatic : efficient
Rise : increase
Reciprocity : timbal balik / pertukaran
Recession : decline / kemunduran
Revenue : income
Retail : the sale of goods to the public for use or consumption rather than for resale
Solvency : kesanggupan melunasi hutang
Scrutinize : analyze/thoroughly
Salutary : advantageous
Simulated : made-up
Stringent : stern
Swap : barter
Self-sufficiency : an ability tosatisfy one’s basic needs without outside help
Stock : the capital raised by the company through the issue and subsciption of shares.
Takeover : raid
Turmoil : confusion
Volatility : an ability to change rapidly and unpredictably
Wholesale : the business of buying goods in large quantities and selling them especially
to retailers for resale
Many of the ideas that people fight over have economics at their core.
A devaluation is not always the best solutions to a country’s economic problem.
A collectivist economy centralizes power and often become bureaucratic and inefficient.
There’s an increasing demand for small cars which are more economical on fuel.
Adam smith, who wrote the wealth of nation, was perhaps the first great modern economist.

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