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Industrial revolution- change from agrarian to machine manufacturing

Indsutrialization marked a change

Britain 1970s, then spread throughout Europe

William And John Cockerill

1st IR- Coal, Iron Textile

2nd IR- Electricity, Petroleum, Steel

3rd IR- Internet, Computer, ICT

4th IR- AI, 3D, Robots

1st IR- one factor contributing to the development of the IR, large supply or iron ore and coal mines.

- Steel is made through the burning of coal (from trees)

- Mid 18th century, timber supply had been decimated
- Coke
- Steam Engine 1763, James Watt
- First American Textile Company- Francis Cabot Lowell, 1813
- Riot due to replaced workers- 1789

- Telegram >> Telegraph >> Cellphone >> Internet >> Smartphone

Transportation Revolution-

 Roads- roads before are minimal and muddy and easy to get flooded. When travelling, hard and
and dangerous. National Road, largest road building project before the coming of the 20th
 River traffic- river is the fastest and proper way to transport from North to South.
 Steam Boats- at the beginning of the industrial revolution, the use of steam engines have
become popular. 1787-1830, steam boats were improved by John Rancy. 1804, high pressure
steam engine. Robert Falton? First to accomplish to create a steam boat, they used the steam
engine created by Watt
 Canals- connecting cities, making transportation more quickly and efficiently. Eerie Canal 2263
miles length, Albani, connecting Hudson River. 1825, this canal quickly spread out,
 Rail road- 1826, launch the first railway. Baltimore and Ohio. Before railroads are pricey and the
creation is. Robert Livingston Stephen, created a way to reduce accidents. T-shaped rail.

Lighting- to give light. First lighting to be discovered is fire. First man-made lighting. Vegetable oil lamp.


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