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ICT Tools

The ICT tools I have chosen to integrate in the 3 lessons are - MindMeister, Padlet, Pic Collage, Canva and Book Creator. The inquiry program I’ve selected
combines different learning areas, a range of teaching strategies and various assessment tasks together to give students an authentic and relevant learning
experience that also presents opportunity for self-directed learning. The complex nature of this program requires a range of ICT tools that fit in and complement the
content areas and pedagogical styles in order to add value to the overall learning experience. The TPACK framework outlines this harmonious interplay with the
three forms of knowledge - Content, Pedagogy and Technology (Koehler, 2019). With this in consideration I have chosen 5 main ICT tools that allow for thoughtful
integration with the content being taught and the methods used to teach it.

MindMeister is a brainstorming tool that enables students to create a digital mind map. It allows students to easily edit, manipulate and build on their mind map
digitally as they construct it. Used for this purpose, this tool sits within the “Modification” or “Redefinition” stage of the SAMR model as students are also able to add
images and links to their mind map and save it electronically to combine with another digital resource (Shrock, 2019).

Students use Pic Collage in an independent task. The use the app to create a visual image that represents their personal meaning drawn from the lesson. It lies
within the “Transformation” stages of SAMR as students are creating something new and meaningful which they will later use.

Students use Canva collaboratively to create a text. Reflecting the “Augmentation” stage, this tool allows a more efficient and sophisticated way of creating an
infographic. Students are presented with a variety of templates which they can use to build on and draw ideas from. In a way the technology provides some form of
scaffolding that is usually given by the teacher.

Padlet is used as a deposit of information in this inquiry. The teacher uses Padlet to store all the students’ research, information and previous work. This makes it
much easier of students to find resources and lends itself to assisting them on their self-directed inquiry.

Book creator is used to compile all the class work and to create a whole-class presentation. Used in this way, it resides in the “Redefinition” phase as it incorporates
texts, images and audio in a multimodal text form that the whole class can proudly contribute to. It displays the wide range of learning that has taken place
throughout the inquiry unit.

Learning Theories

The learning theories that underpin this integrated teaching program include social constructivism and an inquiry-based approach. An inquiry-based approach to
learning emphasises practices that demonstrate deeper understanding that basic recall and formulae (Friesen & Scott, 2013). Instead, it engages students in real-
world issues and promotes promotes skills of problem-solving, analysing, questioning, reflecting and acting (Friesen & Scott, 2013). Instead of presenting one right
idea or solution, it encourages children to evaluate their own understanding and “think outside the box”. This approach supports the theory of social constructivism.

Social constructivism states that people construct an understanding of the world through knowledge and experiences. Based on Vygotsky’s theory, social
constructivism suggests that students build on their existing concepts of the world through tasks that are relevant and meaningful (Powell & Kalina, 2009). This
theory is characterised by learning that is Active, Constructive, Authentic, Cooperative and Intentional. It promotes learning that requires active participation to build
on prior understanding, in relevant, real-world contexts. It occurs socially in collaboration and interaction with others. Furthermore, it gives learners a chance to set
goals and direct their own learning trajectory.
This inquiry unit presents students with a topic that is current and relevant to them and their future as inhabitants of this planet. It is a meaningful and authentic
context for learning. Throughout the inquiry, the students are involved in hands on projects including writing informative texts, creatively expressing viewpoints,
reflecting on learning and acting for change. The learning is constructive in the way that lessons build on content from previous weeks. It allows children to build their
knowledge and constantly reflect on what they learn throughout the entire unit. Majority of the unit is based on group work and collaborative learning as students
work together to share ideas, respond to content and to create. It is also intentional in the way that it allows the students to choose an environmental topic that
interests them and plan creative tasks that lead to a desired outcome.

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