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5 tips to help treat your

knee cap pain

direct and indirect costs due to arthritis in Australia
'too much, too soon' of your exercise rehabilitation or recreational exercise Have
large variations in how quickly you build up your exercise
Slowly increase how much exercise you do (e.g. 10% per week) Decrease exercise
time or intensity if pain increases for more than 24 hours post exercise
Knee cap pain is the most common form of knee pain. It
affects both males and females of all activity levels and
ages. Common medical terms include patellofemoral pain,
anterior knee pain and runner's knee

Surgery is unlikely to help your knee pain

However, the following 5 things might help
Be sensible with how much exercise you do
Exercise therapy is the key
Complete exercise targeting your thigh and hip
Retrain the way you move during painful activities
Reduce how much your opposite hip drops Reduce how much your hip rolls in
Reduce how much your knee collapses in Reduce how much your foot rolls in
Be guided by your physiotherapist to ensure safe and efficient rehabilitation Start
exercises in sitting or lying to get your thigh and hip muscles working without pain
Progress exercises to standing and functional tasks as soon as your pain allows
Combining thigh and hip muscle exercises will lead to the best outcomes
Exercise tips:
The key to improving your knee cap pain is to ensure
you complete exercises provided You may need to
continue, and progress your exercise program for 12
months or more if you have had pain for a long time
Some treatments can immediately
reduce pain
Try taping or bracing your knee
Try shoe inserts
Taping to control how much your knee cap moves toward the outside of
you thigh can help reduce pain.
You may also discuss knee brace options with your physiotherapist if: - you have
skin allergies to tape - you need to frequently tape you knee
Example video of how to tape you knee
At least 1 in 4 people are likely to benefit
A simple test can improve your odds:
pain during a problem task like squatting?

They should not cost a lot

See your local physiotherapist for more guidance on
how best to manage your knee cap pain

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