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Appendix - 1

Bank of Katmandu (BOK)

Liquidity Ratio:
(1) Current ratio:
(In million)
Year Current assets Current liabilities Current ratio (in %)
2004/2005 9364.43 8845.59 1.058
2005/2006 9310.27 9136.39 1.02
2006/2007 8919.06 7399.33 1.21
2007/2008 14260.55 16728.65 0.85
2008/2009 17334.65 16379.85 1.06
Mean 1.04
Everest bank ltd (EBL)

Liquidity Ratio:
(1) Current ratio:
(in million)
Year Current assets Current liabilities Current ratio (in %)
2004/2005 9490.20 8085.94 1.17
2005/2006 11598.45 10138.99 1.14
2006/2007 15807.2 13932.91 1.13
2007/2008 21262.48 18296.45 1.16
2008/2009 26788.83 24276.30 1.10
Mean 1.14

Appendix - 2

(2) Cash and bank balance to total deposit ratio of BOK

(in million)
Year Cash and bank Total deposit Cash and bank
balance balance total
deposit (in %)
2004/2005 782.85 7741.65 0.101
2005/2006 740.52 8942.75 0.083
2006/2007 728.7 10485 0.069
2007/2008 1315.9 12388.93 0.106
2008/2009 1440.47 15833.74 0.091
Mean 0.090
(2) Cash and bank balance to total deposit ratio of EBL
(in million)
Year Cash and bank Total deposit Cash and bank
balance balance total
deposit(in %)
2004/2005 631.80 8063.90 7.83
2005/2006 1050.00 10097.70 10.40
2006/2007 1553.00 13802.44 11.25
2007/2008 2391.42 18186.25 13.15
2008/2009 2667.97 23976.30 11.11
Mean 10.7
Appendix - 3

(3) Cash and bank balance to current assets ratio of BOK

(in million)
Year Cash and bank Current assets Cash and bank
balance balance to current
assets Rratio (in %)
2004/2005 782.85 9364.43 0.084
2005/2006 740.52 9310.27 0.079
2006/2007 728.7 8919.06 0.082
2007/2008 1315.9 14260.55 0.092
2008/2009 1440.47 17334.65 0.083
Mean 0.084

(3) Cash and bank balance to current assets ratio of EBL

(in million)

Year Cash and bank Current assets Cash and bank

balance balance to current
assets ratio(in %)
2004/2005 631.80 9490.20 6.66
2005/2006 1050.00 11598.45 9.05
2006/2007 1553.00 15807.2 9.82
2007/2008 2391.42 21262.48 11.25
2008/2009 2667.97 26895.35 9.9
Mean 9.3

Appendix - 4

(4) Investment on Govt. securities to current assets ratio of BOK

(in million)
Year Investment on Current assets Investment on Govt
Govt. securities securities to current
assets ratio (in %)
2004/2005 2371.77 9364.43 0.253
2005/2006 2146.62 9310.27 0.230
2006/2007 2658.37 8919.06 0.298
2007/2008 2332.04 14260.55 0.163
2008/2009 2113.22 17334.65 0.122
Mean 0.213

(4) Investment on Govt securities to current assets ratio of EBL

(in million)

Year Investment on Govt Current assets Investment on Govt

securities securities to current
assets ratio (in %)
2004/2005 2392.10 9490.20 25.21
2005/2006 1873.71 11598.45 16.15
2006/2007 3322.44 15807.2 21.02
2007/2008 3614.54 21262.48 17.00
2008/2009 3237.98 26895.35 12.0
Mean 18.3

Assets management ratio:

Appendix - 5
(1)Loan and Advance to total deposit of BOK
(in million)

Year Loan and advances Total deposit Loan and advance

to total deposit (in
2004/2005 5646.69 7741.65 0.729
2005/2006 5912.58 8942.75 0.661
2006/2007 7259.08 10485 0.692
2007/2008 9399.33 12388.93 0.759
2008/2009 12462.64 15833.74 0.787
Mean 0.726
(1)Loan and Advance to total deposit of EBL
(in million)

Year Loan and advances Total deposit Loan and advance

to total deposit( in
2004/2005 5884.12 8063.90 72.97
2005/2006 7618.67 10097.7 75.45
2006/2007 9801.30 13802.44 71.01
2007/2008 13664.08 18186.25 75.14
2008/2009 18339.108 23976.30 76.5
Mean 74.20

Appendix - 6
(2)Total investment to total deposit of BOK
(in million)
Year Total investment Total deposit Total investment to
total deposit (in %)
2004/2005 2477.4 7741.65 0.320
2005/2006 2598.25 8942.75 0.290
2006/2007 3378.13 10485 0.322
2007/2008 2992.43 12388.93 0.241
2008/2009 3204.07 15833.74 0.202
Mean 0.275

(2)Total investment to total deposit of EBL

(in million)

Year Total investment Total deposit Total investment to

total deposit( in %)
2004/2005 2535.65 8063.90 31.45
2005/2006 2128.93 10097.7 21.08
2006/2007 4200.52 13802.44 30.43
2007/2008 4984.31 18186.25 27.41
2008/2009 5059.6 23976.30 21.1
Mean 26.3

Appendix - 7

3) Loan and advance to total working fund of BOK

(in million)
Year Loan and advances Total assets Loan and advance
to total working
fund (in %)
2004/2005 5646.69 9496.34 0.595
2005/2006 5912.58 9857.13 0.599
2006/2007 7259.08 12278.3 0.591
2007/2008 9399.33 14581.39 0.645
2008/2009 12462.64 17721.93 0.703
Mean 0.627
(3) Loan and advance to total working fund of EBL
(In million)
Year Loan and advances Total assets Loan and advance
to total working
fund( in %)
2004/2005 5884.12 9608.57 61.24
2005/2006 7618.67 11732.51 64.93
2006/2007 9801.30 15959.28 61.42
2007/2008 13664.08 21432.57 63.75
2008/2009 18339.108 271493.34 67.5
Mean 63.8

Appendix - 8
(4) Investment to govt securities to total working fund of BOK
(in million)

Year Investment to govt total assets Investment to govt

securities securities to total
working fund(in %)
2004/2005 2371.77 9496.34 0.25
2005/2006 2146.62 9857.13 0.218
2006/2007 2658.37 12278.3 0.216
2007/2008 2332.04 14581.39 0.16
2008/2009 2113.22 17721.93 0.119
Mean 0.193

(4) Investment to govt securities to total working fund of EBL

(in million)

Year Investment to govt total assets Investment to

securities govt
securities to
total working
fund (in %)
2004/2005 2392.10 9608.57 25
2005/2006 1873.71 11732.51 16
2006/2007 3322.44 15959.28 20.8
2007/2008 3614.54 21432.57 16.8
2008/2009 3237.98 271493.34 11.9
Mean 18.1

Profitability ratio:

Appendix - 9

(1) Return on loan and advance of BOK

(in million)
Year Net profit Loan and advances Return on loan and
advances ratio (in
2004/2005 127.48 5646.69 0.023
2005/2006 139.52 5912.58 0.024
2006/2007 202.44 7259.08 0.028
2007/2008 262.39 9399.33 0.0289
2008/2009 361.49 12462.64 0.029
Mean 0.026

(1)Return on loan and advance of EBL

(in million)
Year Net profit Loan and advances Return on loan and
advances ratio (in
2004/2005 143.66 5884.12 2.44
2005/2006 170.80 7618.67 2.24
2006/2007 237.30 9801.30 2.42
2007/2008 296.41 13664.08 2.17
2008/2009 451.2 18339.08 2.5
Mean 2.35

Appendix - 10

(2) Return on total assets ratio BOK

(in million)
Year Net profit Total assets Return on total
assets ratio (in %)
2004/2005 127.48 9496.34 0.013
2005/2006 139.52 9857.13 0.014
2006/2007 202.44 12278.3 0.016
2007/2008 262.39 14581.39 0.018
2008/2009 361.49 17721.93 0.020
Mean 0.0165

(2) Return on total assets ratio EBL

(in million)
Year Net profit Total assets Return on total
assets ratio (in %)
2004/2005 143.66 9608.57 1.50
2005/2006 170.8 11732.51 1.46
2006/2007 237.30 15959.28 1.49
2007/2008 296.41 21432.57 1.38
2008/2009 451.2 271493.34 1.7
Mean 1.5

Appendix - 11

(1) Return on equity of BOK

Year Net profit Total Equity Return on loan and

advances ratio (in %)
2004/2005 127.48 650.75 0.196
2005/2006 139.52 720.74 0.193
2006/2007 202.44 720.74 0.281
2007/2008 262.39 993.27 0.264
2008/2009 361.49 1342.07 0.269
Mean 0.241
(1) Return on equity of EBL
Year Net profit Total Equity Return on total
equity (in %)
2004/2005 143.66 710.31 20.22
2005/2006 170.8 832.61 20.51
2006/2007 237.30 962.8 24.65
2007/2008 296.41 1201.51 24.67
2008/2009 451.2 1921.24 23.4
Mean 22.7

Appendix - 12

(2) Total interest income to total assets ratio of BOK

((in million)

Year Interest income Total assets Interest income to

tatal assets ratio (in
2004/2005 567.09 9496.34 0.059
2005/2006 607.09 9857.13 0.062
2006/2007 718.12 12278.3 0.058
2007/2008 819.00 14581.39 0.056
2008/2009 1034.16 17721.93 0.058
Mean 0.059
(2) Total interest income to total assets ratio EBL
((in million)
Year Interest income Total assets Interest income to
tatal assets ratio (in
2004/2005 657.25 9608.57 6.84
2005/2006 719.29 11732.51 6.13
2006/2007 903.41 15959.28 5.66
2007/2008 1144.41 21432.57 5.34
2008/2009 1548.66 271493.34 6.0
Mean 5.9

Appendix - 13
(3) Total interest earned to Total outside assets ratio of BOK
(in million)
Year Interest earned Total outside assets Interest earned to
total outside assets
(in %)
2004/2005 567.09 10495.86 0.054
2005/2006 607.09 10657.45 0.057
2006/2007 718.12 13295.58 0.054
2007/2008 819.00 14723.8 0.056
2008/2009 1034.16 17779.93 0.058
Mean 0.056
(3) Total interest earned to Total outside assets ratio of EBL
(in million)
Year Interest earned Total outside assets Interest earned to
total outside assets
(in %)
2004/2005 657.25 10811.87 6.1
2005/2006 719.29 11621.31 6.2
2006/2007 903.41 17324.26 5.2
2007/2008 1144.41 22262.93 5.1
2008/2009 1548.66 26636.69 5.8
Mean 5.7
Appendix - 14

(4) Total interest earned to Total operating income ratio of BOK

Year Interest earned Total operating Interest earned to

income total operating
income (in %)
2004/2005 567.09 306 1.85
2005/2006 607.09 360 1.67
2006/2007 718.12 400 1.79
2007/2008 819.00 469 1.75
2008/2009 1034.16 602 1.72
Mean 1.76
(4) Total interest earned to Total operating income ratio of EBL

Year Interest earned Total operating Interest earned to

income total operating
income (in %)
2004/2005 657.25 316.36 207.50
2005/2006 719.29 375.23 191.69
2006/2007 903.41 453.17 199.35
2007/2008 1144.41 597.87 191.41
2008/2009 1548.66 822.7 188.0
Mean 196
Appendix - 15
(5)Total interest paid to total assets ratio of BOK

Year Interest paid Total assets Interest paid to total

assets (in %)
2004/2005 286.30 9496.34 0.030
2005/2006 241.64 9857.13 0.0245
2006/2007 308.15 12278.3 0.0233
2007/2008 339.18 14581.39 0.0236
2008/2009 417.54 17721.93 0.0253
Mean 0.025

(5) Total interest paid to total assets ratio of EBL

Year Interest paid Total assets Interest paid to total

assets (in %)
2004/2005 316.36 9608.57 3.29
2005/2006 299.57 11732.51 2.55
2006/2007 401.39 15959.28 2.52
2007/2008 517.17 21432.57 2.41
2008/2009 632.61 271493.34 2.3
Mean 2.6

Risk ratio:
Appendix - 16
(1) Liquidity risk ratio of BOK
Year Cash and bank bal Total Deposit NPL to total loan
and advances ratio
(in %)
2004/2005 782.85 7741.65 0.101
2005/2006 740.52 8942.75 0.183
2006/2007 728.7 10485 0.069
2007/2008 1315.9 12388.93 0.106
2008/2009 1440.47 15833.74 0.091
Mean 0.90
(1) Liquidity risk ratio of EBL
Year Cash and bank Total deposit NPL to total loan
balance and advances ratio
(in %)
2004/2005 631.80 8063.90 1.72
2005/2006 1050.00 10097.70 1.63
2006/2007 1553.00 13802.44 1.27
2007/2008 2391.42 18186.25 0.94
2008/2009 2667.97 23976.30 0.111
Mean 0.107

Appendix - 17
(2) Credit risk ratio (Non-performing loan to total loan and advances) of BOK
(in million)
Year Non performing Loan and advance NPL to total loan
loan and advances ratio
(in %)
2004/2005 4799.687 5646.69 0.85
2005/2006 5084.819 5912.58 0.86
2006/2007 6315.4 7259.08 0.87
2007/2008 243.30 9399.33 0.85
2008/2009 236.90 12462.64 0.88
Mean 0.86

(2) Credit risk ratio (Non-performing loan to total loan and advances) of EBL
(in million)
Year Non performing Loan and advance NPL to total loan and
loan advances ratio
(in %)
2004/2005 104.7 6095.8 0.88
2005/2006 128.8 7900.0 0.83
2006/2007 129.2 10136.2 0.88
2007/2008 113.18 13664.1 0.87
2008/2009 127.31 18339.08 0.086
Mean 0.72

Other ratios:
Appendix - 18

(1)EPS of BOK
(in million)
Year Profit after tax No. of common shares EPS(in Rs)
2004/2005 127.48 4.636 27.49
2005/2006 139.52 4.636 30.09
2006/2007 202.44 4.636 43.67
2007/2008 262.39 6.031 43.50
2008/2009 361.49 6.031 59.93
Mean 40.94

(1) EPS of EBL

(in million)
Year Net Income No. of common shares EPS(in Rs)
2004/2005 143.66 3.15 45.60
2005/2006 170.8 3.15 54.22
2006/2007 237.30 3.78 62.77
2007/2008 296.41 3.78 78.41
2008/2009 451.2 4.914 91.82
Mean 66.56

Appendix - 19
(2) MPS of BOK
(in million)
Year Price earning ratio( in
2004/2005 395
2005/2006 430
2006/2007 850
2007/2008 1375
2008/2009 2350
Mean 1060

(2) MPS of EBL

Year Price earning ratio( in
2008/2009 3132
Mean 1698

Appendix - 20

(3) Price Earning ratio of BOK

Year MPS (in Rs ) EPS(in Rs) Price earning
ratio( in times)
2004/2005 395 27.49 10.73
2005/2006 430 30.09 14.29
2006/2007 850 43.67 19.47
2007/2008 1375 43.50 32.60
2008/2009 2350 59.93 39.21
Mean 23.06
(3) Price earning ratio EBL
(in million)
Year MPS (in Rs ) EPS(in Rs) Price earning
ratio( in times)
2004/2005 680 45.60 14.92
2005/2006 870 54.22 16.05
2006/2007 1379 62.77 21.97
2007/2008 2430 78.41 42.47
2008/2009 3132 91.82 34.11
Mean 23.60
Appendix - 21
A) Trend Analysis of Total Deposit of BOK

Year(x) Total deposit(Y)

X = x-2005/06 X2 XY
7741.65 -2 4 -15483.3
8942.75 -1 1 -8942.75
10485 0 0 0
12388.93 1 1 12388.93
15833.74 2 4 31667.48
Tot n= 5 ∑Y =55392.07 ∑X = 0 ∑ X =10 ∑XY =19630.36
Source: Annul report of BOK

Let trend line be

Y = a + b x……………………. (I)

Where x = X - Middle year



a =11078.414

b = 1963.036

Where as

Yc = 11078.41 + 1963.04 X of BOK

B) Trend Analysis of Total Deposit of EBL

Year(x) Total deposit(Y)

X = x-2005/06 X2 XY
8063.9 -2 4 -16127.8
6 10098 -1 1 -10097.7
13802 0 0 0
18186 1 1 18186.25
2008/2009 23976
2 4 47952.6
∑Y =
∑XY =
Tot n= 5 ∑X = 0 ∑ X2 =10 39913.35
Source: Annul Report of EBL

Let trend line be

Y = a + b x……………………. (I)

Where x = X - Middle year



a = 14825.32

b = 3991.335

Where as

Yc = 14825.32+3991.335 X of EBL

Appendix - 22

A) Trend Analysis of Loan and Advance of BOK

Year(x) Loan and advances
(Y) X = x-2005/06 X2 XY
5646.69 -2 4 -11293.4
6 5912.58 -1 1 -5912.58
7259.08 0 0 0
2007/2008 9399.33
1 1 9399.33
2008/2009 12462.64
2 4 24925.28
Tot n= 5 ∑Y =40680.32 ∑X = 0 ∑ X =10 ∑XY=17118.65
Source: Annul report of BOK

Let trend line be

Y = a + b x……………………. (I)

Where x = X - Middle year



a = 8136.064

b = 1711.865

Where as

Yc = 8136.064 + 1711.865 X of Bank of Kathmandu Limited

B) Trend Analysis of Loan and Advance of EBL

Year(x) Loan and advances

(Y) X = x-2005/06 X2 XY
5884.1 -2 4 -11768.2
6 7618.7 -1 1 -7618.67
9801.3 0 0 0
13664 1 1 13664.08
2008/2009 18339.1
2 4 36678.22
Tot n= 5 ∑Y =55307.28 ∑X = 0 ∑ X =10 ∑XY=30955.39
Source: Annul Report of EBL

Let trend line be

Y = a + b x……………………. (I)

Where x = X - Middle year



a = 11061.46

b = 3095.54

Where as

Yc = 11061.46 + 3095.539 X of Everest Bank Limited

Appendix - 23

A) Trend Analysis of Total Investments of BOK

Year(x) Total assets (A)

X = x-2005/06 X2 XY
2477.4 -2 4 -4954.8
6 2598.25 -1 1 -2598.25
3378.13 0 0 0
2992.43 1 1 2992.43
3204.07 2 4 6408.14
Tot n= 5 ∑Y =14650.28 ∑X = 0 ∑ X =10 ∑XY =1847.52
Source: Annul report of BOK

Let trend line be

Y = a + b x……………………. (I)

Where x = X - Middle year



a = 2930.568

b = 184.752

Where as

Yc = Yc = 2930.056+184.752 X of Bank of Kathmandu Limited

A) Trend Analysis of Total Investments of EBL

Year(x) Total Investments

(Y) X = x-2005/06 X2 XY
2535.7 -2 4 -5071.3
6 2128.9 -1 1 -2128.93
4200.5 0 0 0
4984.3 1 1 4984.31
2008/2009 5059.6
2 4 10119.2
Tot n = 5 ∑Y = 18909.01 ∑X = 0 ∑ X2 =10 ∑XY= 7903.28
Source: Annul Report of EBL

Let trend line be

Y = a + b x……………………. (I)

Where x = X - Middle year



a = 3781.802

b = 790.328

Where as

Yc = 3781.802+790.328 X of Everest Bank Limited

Appendix - 24

A) Trend Analysis of Net Profit of BOK

Year(x) Net profit (Y)

X = x-2005/06 X2 XY
127.48 -2 4 -254.96
6 139.52 -1 1 -139.52
202.44 0 0 0
2007/2008 262.39
1 1 262.39
2008/2009 361.49
2 4 722.98
Tot n= 5 ∑Y =1093.32 ∑X = 0 ∑ X2 =10 ∑XY =590.89
Source: Annul report of BOK

Let trend line be

Y = a + b x……………………. (I)

Where x = X - Middle year



a = 218.664

b = 59.089

Where as

YC=218.664+59.089 X of Bank of Kathmandu Limited

A) Trend Analysis of Net Profit of EBL

Year(x) Net profit (Y)

X = x-2005/06 X2 XY
143.66 -2 4 -287.32
6 170.8 -1 1 -170.8
237.3 0 0 0
296.41 1 1 296.41
2008/2009 451.2
2 4 902.4
Tot n= 5 ∑Y = 1299.37 ∑X = 0 ∑ X =10 ∑XY = 740.69
Source: Annul Report of EBL
Let trend line be

Y = a + b x……………………. (I)

Where x = X - Middle year



a = 259.874

b = 74.69

Where as

Yc= 259.874+74.069 X of Everest Bank Limited

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