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Yes, we are a society of consumers.

From the way we obtain our food to the amount of

toilet paper we use (Americans together use around 50 pounds every day), our society is
constantly consuming products left and right. There are many consequences of consuming too
much but one major aspect is the environmental consequences. From all the products that we
consume it creates a lot of waste. In 2013, the United States produced 254 million tons of trash,
but only 35% of it was recycled. As we are consuming so much, a majority of it is going to the
landfills and can take years to decompose. This leaves lasting consequences for us and the
generations to come, as the space for dump trash is getting smaller and smaller, our society
consumes more and more.
I think that we learn to consume by watching the society we live in and how others
around us act. From a early age, we see the commercials of the newest toy and go over to
friend’s houses where they have a room dedicated to storing toys. Growing up in this
environment, kids are shaped to think that they need to constantly consume and stay up to date
on the newest products and trends in order to fit into society. Personal habits of consuming can
start from a young age and stick with someone for the rest of their lives.
Restraint from consumer temptation is difficult in this time and age because of the
advancing technology. With constant exposure to ads, commercials, and online shopping, it
makes it so easy and fast to access the desired item. With online shopping, and more
specifically Amazon Prime, people don’t even have to leave their beds and within a day or two
the product will show up at their door. Restraint is possible, it just takes some conscious efforts
and smart decisions to achieve in this modern age of advancing consumer technology.

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