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For example I will create menu Fruit Platter where the guest has to choose 6 fruit from 12 fruit.

1. Open Pos Configurator | Sales | Condiments

2. Condiment Groups
Create Condiment Groups Fruit Choice and link to touchscreen style condiment (or any name
that used as condiment screen)

3. Condiment Membership
Create condiment membership Fruit Choice and link belongs to condiment groups (that you
create in step no 2)
4. Condiment Selection

Click + button to create condiment Selection Fruit Choice, and then click save (v) Button

On condiment Group, choose Fruit Choice

Click Use Min – Max.
Set Minimum : 6
Set Maximum : 6
And then click save (V) button

5. Open POS Configurator | Sales | Menu Items

Create menu item Fruit Platter 6, don’t forget to set Menu Item Class, Menu Level Class, Print
Class and SLU
Go to tab Groups, set menu item group, allowed condiment: all condiment and Required
Condiments : Fruit Choice (that we created in step no 2)

Go to tab Reporting, link the menu to Major Group and Family Groups

Go to tab prices, fill the price

6. Create Fruit Choice Menu Item
On General Tab
Link the menu to menu item class, menu level class and print class (you can refer to any other
food condiment)

On Group Tab
Link menu item group and Condiment Membership to Fruit Choice (that we created in step no 4)
On Reporting Tab
Link the menu to major groups and family groups

Repeat this step for other 11 fruit choices

7. In POS Workstation, try to order Fruit Platter 6

Screen will automatic goes to Fruit Choice Screen, and waiter/waitress or cashier has to choose
6 fruit choice

After choose 6 items, the screen automatic back to main menu screen

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