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One day, there were two young girls in the woods, Melany and Yohanna.

They were

playing with their ball in the woods, that was a really nice day. The sky was clean, there were a

lot of people in the woods too, the birds were flying and singing and some kids were playing and

running. The little girls were having a lot of fun when the ball gets stuck on the top of the tree,

and the girls asked themselves: “What we are going to do now?” The young ladies were sad

because they wanted to play with the ball and now they can not do that. The girls were almost

giving up on trying to get the ball back when ​Melany​ had an idea: “We can climb the tree, then

we will have the ball back!” Melany said.“ Good idea, but this tree is too tall!”, screamed

Yohanna. “We can use something to help us get on the top of the tree” “ Okay, let’s go look for

something.” And then the two girls went looking for something to help them to climb the tree.

The girls were looking for a bench or even stairs to help them in every place they could look.

After a long time looking for a bench or stairs, the young girls finally found something that could

help them. “I found a bench!” Yohanna screamed. “Great! Let’s use it!”. The young girls were

feeling so excited, they finally found a bench to help them climb the tree and now they will get

the ball back and continue to play their game. After they found the bench, they went back to the

tree that the ball was stuck.

The two girls placed the bench close to the tree, they were a little bit scared to climb the

tree because the tree is so tall, but, they start thinking in a way to get on the top of the tree

without getting hurt. After thinking for a bit, they finally got “courage” to climb the tree and get

the ball. The one who climbed the tree was Yohanna. She went up on the bench and after this,

she began to hang on the branches of the tree and started going up. After she started going up,

she was almost reaching the ball when…“BOOOOOOOOOM!” A tree branch pierced the ball.
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME? PLEASE SAY YOU ARE!” Yohanna screamed. She got really

mad, she was almost with the balls in hands when that happened. She came down from the tree

and looked at Melany. Melany was also sad, they lost their ball forever. Then the girls decided to

go back home, they just took their things and left. When they were walking, they were talking

saying how sad they were, that was being a really nice day to spend at home, but while they were

walking, Yohanna was looking around, when she saw a Toy Store close to them. “Look, Melany,

there’s a Toy Store! It probably has a lot of balls to sale!” Yohanna said. You could see the

happiness on her face, she was smiling and jumping on the street.

The two girls went to the store, when they get to there, they saw a world of toys, there

were not only balls but also dolls, cars, card games and other infinity of toys. After some minutes

walking in the store, they finally found a pink ball to buy. They grabbed the ball and finally

bought it, then the two girls left the store. The two little girls were so happy because now the

girls don’t need to waste their time at home, and now they can play all the rest of the day.

Melany and Yohanna went back to the woods, and they played a lot with other kids too. They

arrived in the grove and started play with their new ball, but this time, they played away from

any tree. The girls really had a lot of fun, instead of just play, they also had a picnic with other

kids, went swimming in the little river close to there and their day was amazing. Melany and

Yohanna were really happy, they played a lot, they made a lot of new friends, and it was just the

first day of summer vacation. When the sun was setting, they finally went back home, they were

so tired because they played a lot that afternoon but before get to home, they sat in the sidewalk

and started looking at the sky full of shining stars, it was a full moon night. The girls would
never forget that really fun day, and even with all the challenges that the young ladies had, that

was a really good way to the start the summer vacations.

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