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God? God's turning people into insect monsters Beth.

I'm the one beating

them to death. Thank me. I am not putting my father in a home! He just
came back into my life, and you want to, grab him and, stuff him under a
mattress like last month's Victoria's Secret?! If you break the rules, try to
leave or lose the game, you will die. Just like Saaaaw. Are these pills
supposed to wake me up or something?
Jesus Christ! Did the boomy-booms blow up all your wordy-word books? Oh I
say good sir, oh harumph, ohh a bope-a-dope-o-bobo. Oh good job Morty! You
killed my best customer but you saved a mind reading fart! Principal Vagina
here, don't let the name fool you; I'm very much in charge. Reminding you
that tonight is our annual flu season dance. I don't know how many times I
have to say this, but if you have the flu, stay home. The flu season dance is
about awareness, not celebration. You don't bring dead babies to Passover.
Wha, me irresponsible ?! All I wanted you to do was to hand me a
screwdriver, Morty! This aftershave made women want me, but it also made
me impotent! Sum-Sum, let’s go! Grandpa’s concern for your safety is
fleeting! Looossseeerrrrr.
Lick, lick, lick my balls! Flip the pickle over. I love morty and i hope morty
loves me. I want to wrap my arms around him and feel him deep inside me.
Principal Vagina here, don't let the name fool you; I'm very much in charge.
Reminding you that tonight is our annual flu season dance. I don't know how
many times I have to say this, but if you have the flu, stay home. The flu
season dance is about awareness, not celebration. You don't bring dead
babies to Passover.
Jesus Christ! Did the boomy-booms blow up all your wordy-word books? Aids!
These 2 halves don't belong together, bitch! And now, human music. boop
beep boop... boop beep boop...
Why are you doing this bit? We're gonna die. Nobody's killing me until after I
catch my wife with another man. What is this, 90's Conan? Isn't it obvious
Morty? I froze him.
Haha god-damn! These 2 halves don't belong together, bitch! Sometimes
science is a lot more art, than science. A lot of people don't get that. God,
Grandpa, you're such a dick.
He's not a hot girl. He can't just bail on his life and set up shop in someone
else's. I am Mr. Booby Buyer. I'll buy those boobies for 25 schmeckles! Rick, I
don't like glowing rocks in the kitchen trash! That guy is the Red Grin
Grumbold of pretending he knows what's going on. Oh you agree huh? You
like that Red Grin Grumbold reference? Well guess what, I made him up. You
really are your father's children. Think for yourselves, don't be sheep.
Haha god-damn! Dont look at me! That guy over there roped me into this. Oh
good job Morty! You killed my best customer but you saved a mind reading
fart! Sum-Sum, let’s go! Grandpa’s concern for your safety is fleeting!
I just killed my family! I don’t care who they were! Slow down! If it were, you
could call ME Ernest Hemingway. I'm not looking for judgement, just a yes or
no. Can you assimilate a giraffe?

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