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Gestational Age Assessment Summary.

Baby boy Williams averages a total score of 32 on his gestational age assessment which

put him at 36 weeks. In the neuromuscular activity he scored a 19. His posture was normal and

he kept his arms and legs bent usually. His square window test on his wrist was at a 0 degree

angle and his arm recoil test was 110 degrees to 140. You could tell baby Williams was

appropriate for his age by the scarf sign as well, his arm didn’t completely cross over his body

like a preemies would have.

On the physical maturity test, Williams scored a 13 total. He had smooth soft skin but It

was cracking a little bit. He was very abundant in lanugo, It covered most of his upper back.

Baby Williams plantar creases we’re covering the whole foot so that was a good sign but his ears

were slightly soft. The pinnacle cartilage was not hard like it should have been and his testes

were not all the way descended yet.

Overall baby Williams had a good newborn assessment done and showed to be at 36

weeks gestational age

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