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27 Wagons Full of Cotton A Mississippi Delta Comedy ‘Now Eros shakes my soul, a wind on the mountoin, falling om the oaks? SaprHo CHARACTERS Jake MEIGHAN, a cotton-gin owner. Frora Meicuan, Ais wife. Sitva Vicarro, superintendent of the Syndicate Plantation, All of the action takes place on the front porch of the Meighany residence near Blue Mountain, Mississippi. 27 Wagons Full of Cotton ScENE: The front porch of the j > Mountain, Mississipps. id wh are ae single narrow gable. There are Spindling white ‘lars = side supporting the porch roof and a door of ae oe jwo Gothic windows on either side of it. The peaked door he ; oval of richly stained glass, azure, crimson, emerald a wold. At the windows are fluffy white curtains gathered coquettishh ; in the middle by baby-blue satin bows. The effect is not wislke a doll’s house. Scene I It is early evening and there is a faint rosy dusk in the sky. Shortly after the curtain rises, Jake Meighan, a fat man of sixty, scrambles out the front door and races around the corner of the ing a gallon can of coal-oil. A dog barks at him. A house carry nce. A car is heard starting and receding rapidly in the dista moment later Flora calls from inside the house. | Pye lost m? white kid purse! (closer to the door) >£ uh laid it on th’ swing. (There is a pause.) Chevy? (She comes up to screen it in th’ Chevy. Jake? (She Frora: Jake Jake? Look’n see Guess I could’ve left it in th’ door.) Jake. Look’n see if uh left Steps outside in the fading rosy dusk. She switches on the porch light and stares about, slapping a gnats atiracted by the light. Locusts provide the only answering voice. Flors gives a long nasal call.) Jaay—aaake! (A cow moos en the distance with the same inflection. There is a muffied explosion 3

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