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1. The market for this service is a new one.

Nobody in the Philippines does this kind of

2. The niche for this service is for people who have big events such as company events,
birthday parties, and even people who just need to unload their garbage.
3. The characteristic used to segment the market is geographical.
4. a.) The product is targeting both male and female
b.) Adults
c.) 20s and above.
d.) To dispose their waste immediately
e.) Office workers
5. The needs of the niche is different because while there are garbage collectors,
sometimes they pick up the garbage irregularly, leading to garbage pile up. Another
need is for immediate disposal of big amounts of garbage during events such as birthday
parties, etc.
6. The niche is small, but people will pay for premium service because of it.
7. At first, we can try partnering up to events by handling their garbage disposal while
spreading the word out

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