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Paper Chase

The first scene is a classic “bad recitation” day for a freshman student. thought

that, just like the old times in college, it would just be an introduction and lecture

day, but he thought wrong and out of hundreds of students enrolled at that class, he

was the “first blood”.

In the next scenes he is slowly learning to adapt. He even got a sense of

redemption when he was able to answer and satisfy Kingsfield’s recitation question.

I feel like I could relate to what he felt. I knew what he felt like the moment he

stepped out of the class; the moment he went out and had a grasp of air while

realizing and reflecting about his performance inside. The exciting feeling that you

get and you just cannot contain what you feel so you just run and jump. Everything’s

good until he met Susan, Kingsfield’s daughter. One time, he wasn’t able to study

because he was up late and set the alarm clock late. So, he got up and panicked and

true enough, he got called at the recitation and he wasn’t able to answer.

I realized as well, that in law school, there will be countless distractions but

you need to remember your priority. There will be plenty of time to do those things

after you acquire an Atty. title on your name. And when you’re tired and at the verge
of giving up, remember why you’re there in the first place-it should be enough to

keep you going.

In addition, it is also important to surround yourself with people who make

you better; with people who bring the best out of you. It may be a cliché but law

school is not a one man’s game; you need someone beside you to support you and

help you achieve your goals and aspirations along the way. But remember, not all

people beside you are worth keeping. There are people who pull you up but there are

also people who bring you down.

Law students just need to have to a little patience on the process. It is evident

that Hart was really patient about things. Even when Kingsfield was already

dismissing him, he still tries his best to get back at him. I could also relate in this

experience in a way that I try my best to use my failures as challenges which could

make me a better person, as a better lawyer.

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