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8th Grade

1) Hi my friend, how are you?

2) Hello, I am fine thanks.
1) What are you doing?
2) I am playing Chess. It is my favorite sport.
1) Cool!! But is Chess a sport?
2) Yes. And you can play in a sunny day, cloudy, rainy,
whenever you want.
1) I am doing nothing right now, can I play with you?
2) Yeah, let´s finish this. Meanwhile you can watch the
game and learn.
1) Good idea.
2) Do you practice another sport?
1) Yes, actually right now I´m watching video games.
2) That is not a sport.
1) Oh…. Well… I like to paint.
2) Painting is not a sport.
1) Oh…. And football?
2) Yes!!! That one is a sport.
1) Cool, I am playing football right now.
2) Really? Why you are here?
1) Oh yeaaahh….. Bye bye.

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